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"Hey, Juggie!" you exclaimed, linking your arm with Jughead's arm. You tried to ignore what happened last night and continue things with your new friend. 

"Y/N, don't," Jughead pushed you away.

"I don't understand, Jug. I-"

"Y/N, I can't be seen with you like this. My friends don't know that my dad is a serpent, and it would be weird for me to hang out with one so casually."

"Oh, fuck them! Who cares what they think!"

"No, Y/N, you don't understand," he looked you in the eyes, "What do you want from this relationship?" Jughead cocked an eyebrow. You bit your lip.

"I like you, Jughead. A lot," you muttered. 

Just then, Archie, Veronica, and Betty stormed into the room. Immediately you stood tall and straightened your spine to appear taller and dominant. 

"Jug, why are you hanging out with this filthy serpent?" Archie sputtered.

"She was just leaving," Jughead growled. You picked up your bag and stomped out of the room, leaving but staying close enough to hear their words.

"What was that about?"

"Was she trying to deal you drugs?"

You rolled your eyes. 'Those fucking airheads," you whispered under your breath.

Slowly your mind went back to reality.

"Miss L/N?" a voice said.

"Oh! Principal Weatherbee, what can I do for you and this fine school," your speech had slipped back into its normal sarcastic tone.

"Your parents are here, you're leaving early today," the man simply said.

You furrowed your brows as the principal escorted you to the office where your parents sat. 

"...What's going on?" you asked.

"Could we have some privacy with her please?" your dad gestured to Mr. Weatherbee.

"Of course."

"Honey," your mom began, rubbing your shoulder. "We're moving to Greendale."

"What?! Slow down, what?!" you exclaimed.

"Ever since we learned that Jason Blossom was not drowned but in fact, murdered, your mother and I have thought about moving. Riverdale isn't the same as it used to be, Y/N." 

"It's not safe here anymore."

"Not safe?" you quoted, "I'm a gang, have you forgotten? Newsflash! Y/N joins the Southside serpents!"


"No! This is bullshit. You can leave without me, I'm staying in this goddamn town with my friends," you shouted, pushing open the front doors as a raven-haired boy watched from a distance.

"Y/F&L/N! Get back here right now!" your parents screamed.

You didn't respond but put on your helmet and started your motorcycles engine. And you took off, to the only place you knew you could call home.


A face peered out of the curtains on the small window. A girl parked her motorcycle in front of the trailer home. The face belonged to a man named Forsythe Pendleton Jones the II. He opened the door and questioned the girl who was named Y/F&L/N. 

"I thought you'd come here."


A bit short but I'm sure you guys were dying for an update. Thanks for reading!


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