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"I thought you'd come here," FP began.

"You knew? And you didn't tell me?!" you exclaimed, pushing your way into the small trailer home that had a slight stench of booze. Collapsing onto the couch, you brought your hand to your forehead which was pounding like a hammer to a nail.

"Yeah, I heard about it. Sweet Pea seemed really upset..." he trailed off.

"Oh, good. I am so done with that motherfucker. He needs to move on, I'll never forgive him for the shit he pulled," you spat, sitting up.

FP broke the silence, "So are you really going to leave with your parents?"

"I don't want to! Riverdale is my home, no matter how crazy it gets. The serpents are my true family; I can't leave them."

"Good girl," FP praised, "They won't be far, your parents. Greendale's just a town over."

"I'll visit once in awhile," you shrugged. "I'm never leaving this town."


"Y/N!" Fangs cheered as you entered the bar, wrapping you into a side hug. 

"Hey, Toni it's been awhile! How are you?" you pulled the girl into a full-on hug.

"I'm good, what about you?" the girl with the pink highlights replied.

"I'm fine, to say the least."

"FP said you're staying for good, is that true?" asked Fangs, chalking his cue. 

"Yeah, I'm staying here. Nothing could ever make me want to leave this town," you told your friends as Toni tossed you some chalk. "Ready to get your ass beat again at pool, Fogarty?" you teased.

Toni chuckled. "You're going down, Y/N," Fangs replied firmly.

"We'll see about that," you smirked. 

After beating both Toni and Fangs in at least 4 games each, you decided to take a break. It was only a Wednesday, so the Wyrm was pretty empty except for the few regulars and serpents once in a while. 

"Shirley Temple!" you shouted. Shirley Temples were your favorite celebratory drink. Quickly you slipped a 5 dollar bill across the bar and took the cherry red drink. The Bartender slid the bill back and you gave him a confused look. 

"It's on the house," he nodded, "you know our rule, winners get free drinks." 

You smiled. "Thanks, man." 

Suddenly, your attention was drawn to a group of serpents who just burst through the bar's doors. 

"Excuse me," the bartender wiped his hands on a towel and made his way to the group of men at the other side of the bar. 

Taking a sip of your drink, you parted as well, finding your friends sitting on the small stage that sat in the middle of the bar. 

"Congrats, Buttercup. You're a real legend."

"Thanks, Topaz," you draped your arm around the girl, resting your head on her shoulder. 

Unexpectedly, Fangs chuckled. "Remember last year at your initiation, Y/N?"

"Oh don't remind me," you rolled your eyes at the thought of the embarrassing moment.

"Oh stop teasing her, Fogarty. She did her best. That stupid dance is outdated and sexist, I don't see why us girls still have to do it."

"I'd still rather get punched by everyone and take the honor than suffer a week of humiliation," you mumbled, biting into the cherry from your drink and throwing the pit into a nearby trashcan. 

"I agree. So many girls get really uncomfortable doing the 'serpent dance'..." Fangs trailed off.

Breaking the awkward silence you admitted, "I should probably go. I have to get all my shit out of my room before my parent skip town. See you guys tomorrow!" you waved your friends a goodbye and stepped out into the chilly air. The wind enveloped you like cold sheets on a bed and you pulled your jacket closer to your goosebump-filled skin. 


ayyyyeeE I did a bit longer chapter despite it being finals week. Both my math and lit exams went really well! I think I did pretty nicely on them. 

I know you're hardly getting any of Jughead's storyline and I'm soRRy but I'm making this story up as I go along and I think I have an idea of what I wanna do next. Thanks for reading!

(P.S. i may or may not get you guys an update next week bc ya know, holidays)


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