New Crush

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"Mom, I'm scared, I don't wanna move away from my friends and have to go to a new school, you know how home sick I can get!" You say, scared

"Oh sweetie, don't worry! You'll get used to it and hey, you can make some new friends!!" your mom assures you

"Fine, whatever you say, mom..."

Sooner or later, you reach your new home and step outside of the car and look at your new house.

"W-wow... it's so small... So, this is the house I'm gonna be living in for the rest of my life huh?"

You walk in your new house with a couple of boxes. And here, is where you start your new life...

"Ma! Imma go for a walk, kay? To get to know the place better!" You ask your mom, in return, you get a nod of approval, along with a big smile. You walk out the door and walk along the sidewalk looking at all the pretty houses, you soon come across a fairly large house and you can hear a bunch of noise inside, the lawn has a bunch of toys every where, and some on the roof of the house. You don't like a lot of loud noise so you speed walk off a little more into the distance.

You hear a dog barking behind you and look to see two girls chasing after it screaming: "COME BACK HERE!!" the dog runs up to you wagging its tail and jumping onto your knees barking happily. You put your hand in front of the dog and the dog sniffs your hand to greet you. You pet the dogs soft, white and black fur. And you pick the dog up. The two girls come up to you looking all sweaty and worn out, breathing heavily... You say: "Is this your guys' dog?" You ask "Y-yes! Thanks so much for catching h-" one of the girls cuts themselves off by saying: "Hey, are you new? I don't think I've seen you before and I know like, everyone in this town! Heh..." One of the girls said "Y-yes actually! I just moved here, like, just now actually! Hehe..." You answer "Well, it's nice to meet ya, I'm Lynn and this is one of my sisters, Lana." You hand the dog to Lynn.

"One of your sisters?" You think...

"Yeah, nice to meet ya!" Lana says

Lynn puts out her free hand for a hand shake, you shake her hand and say: "Nice to meet you too!! And you too Lana!!" You also shake Lana's hand. "Well, my names (Your name)!" You say, Lynn and Lana smile. "Hey, since your new here, you want some new friends, right? Why don't you come visit our house!!" Lynn happily yells "Uhhh, sure!" you say, happily. "Alright come on let's go! What are you guys waiting for?!" Lana says, then runs off to the fairly large house that appears to be the one that you didn't want to enter in the first place...

You, Lynn, and Lana enter."Wow!" You think. You see a girl reading a joke book to a little baby on a couch to your right. You see a tall girl that looks to be about 17 or so talking on the phone. You see a little girl with fairly large glasses on her face doing some science stuff sitting on a big couch right in front of you. You see another little girl wearing all black sitting in the corner reading a book. You see a girl playing super loud music on an air guitar and also singing pretty loud behind the couch. You see yet another little girl wearing all pink looking at herself with a tiny little mirror making duck faces wearing makeup. You see another tall girl walking into a wall. And last but not least, you see a boy sitting in the middle of the big couch reading a comic book right in front of you. You blush, "H-he's super cute!!" You think...

Everyone looks at you, and the house goes dead silent, so silent, you could hear a pin drop... You blush really bad and get all sweaty because your really shy...

"Hey family! We got a visitor, she's new!!" Lynn finally says.

Everyone rushes up to you, eager to get to know you.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, people calm down, your probably scaring her, I'll introduce you guys to her, one by one.

"(Your name), this is Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lincoln, Lana, Lola, Lucy, Lisa, and Lily!" Lynn says, pointing at everyone as she says their name. "Wow, all their names begin with the letter L, cool, I get it!!" You think...

"W-well, it's nice to meet everyone!!" You say, blushing

"Everyone, this is (Your name)" Lynn says.

"Nice to meet you too (Your name)!!" Everyone says loudly.

"Well, it's getting kind of late, I guess I should be going now! Again, it was nice meeting you all! See ya all later, bye!!" You say walking out the door. You take one last look behind you before you leave, and you see Lincoln wink at you blushing... You make a suprised face, blushing instantly, and leave, closing the door behind you.

Sooner or later, it's the next day at 7:00 in the morning, and your woken up by your dad shaking you saying: "Come on sweetie, time to get up, don't want to be late to your first day of school to a new school!!" "OK! Ok, I'm up!" You say. Your dad soon leaves. You lay there in bed for a couple more minutes, then you get up, brush your teeth, get dressed, go to the bathroom, brush your hair, then go downstairs for breakfeast.

You soon get to school, walk in, and go to the office...

(Hope you guys liked this story, this was actually my first story! But don't worry, there will be more to come in the future! Trust me! ;) BonnieChan1987, signing out, cya in the next one! Piece! <3)

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