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Dad was now sitting in front of my face red from fury , after hearing what happened he flipped out and directly came to Ezras house to check up on me .
" do you know who they are ? " dad asked
" no , but one of them had a tattoo of a python inside an eye I told zoey to take a picture of it "
Dads eyes went wide

Something's up

"What ?" I asked

" It's nothing "

"No there is something now tell me "

Dad just stared at me for two minutes then got up from his seat and walked out of the room .
Well fuck .

Moments later Ezra came in with a blank expression on his face and sat next to me.

" How's you leg ?" He asked now looking straight into my eyes .

" well aside from the fact that my leg is going to have a scar for ever , then I'm totally fine " I reply giving him an innocent smile .
Just then Ezra started laughing showing two cute dimples on each side of his face making my heart flutter, and without even thinking I pulled my hand up and poked them making him stop and look back at me with wide eyes.

" you have dimples " I say still poking the place were the dimples once were .

" you do too "

" I know that "
We looked at each other's eyes once more and I smiled for him .I don't know why  I never smiled like that for anyone except my family never showed that part of me to anyone but I something in me melted just by looking into his wonder filled eyes that bow twinkled as he leaned forward and planted a kiss that made my heart skip a beat.

" what was that ?" I asked scratch that I whispered .

" you poked me I kissed you " he replied with his signature grin , and before me replying he said " I want to take you out "


"I said-"

" I know what you said dumpass " I laughed " and my reply is No "

"Why ?"

" because you didn't earn going out with me "
Just then my dad decided to show up again and sat facing us , he looked between me and Ezra then cleared his throat , making us straighten and face him .
" so" he began " the tattoo you found before belongs obviously to a gang called the pythons. They are a gang who refused to pledge their loyalty to us because I refused to give their leader a high position with us because he was too recluse. "

We stayed quiet until I decided to break the silence.

" who is their leader?"

Both hesitated dad looked at Ezra then at me " your cousin Eli Bateman "

" fuck I hate that son of a BITCH!" I shouted and grabbed my phone .

" Rosalie language , and second of all I too hate that dick head but we have to plan this right my dear "

" if we find that asshole I'm the one whose gonna end his life " a voice said from near the door we all turned and sae Rebeca leaning against it eyes showing nothing but anger and hate .

Rebeca hated Eli the most he was once her boyfriend who used her to get to dad , and that left her broken but she regained her strength with us by her side .

" I don't mind " I said getting up and headed towards Becca .

" now will you excuse us.."

" you are not going anywhere "
Ezra said from his seat not even bothering to look at us.

" I wasn't asking for your permission "
I started walking again when my father said " you are not going anywhere cupcake and thats final "
two hours later

I was now lying in one of the rooms in Ezras house

I guessed its the guest room but I was completely wrong when a young girl maybe 13 entered the room she was wearing a black leather shorts with an olive green shirt and a black vans

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I guessed its the guest room but I was completely wrong when a young girl maybe 13 entered the room she was wearing a black leather shorts with an olive green shirt and a black vans .
She had short hair that reached her ears and was styled back , and wow she looked exactly like Ezra .
" uh - hello who are you ?" She said taking a few steps forward .

" oh I'm sorry I am Rosalie queen " I said as I got if the bed " are you by any chance related to Ezra ?"

" yeah he is my big brother, I'm Sasha Lincoln " she smiled and reminded me of him .
Damn they look alike
I nodded
" nice to meet you Sasha " I extended my hand and she took it immediately.

" you too "
Just then zoey and becca entered a bunch if movies in their hands and I grin .

" movie ?"I asked Sasha and she nodded , to the theatre they had down stairs and found the boys were already there .
" Sup bitch " becca said to Bryce making him roll his eyes . Zoey was blushing as she looked over at Louise.

Ooohh it's sooo hard to breath get me out of here I can't handle the romance .
My inner self screamed , and smiled .
I took Sashas hand and led her to one of the seats and sat next to her .
She leaned in and whispered to me " I tell you after a week or so those four will fall in love and nothing is going to stop them "

" I'll be waiting"

" so what do you want to watch people ?"becca said dropping the movies on the floor .

" I'll pick " I said getting exited and started going through them " we are going to watch me before you "
I stood up and inserted it and the movie started immediately I took my seat next to Sasha then noticed that Ezra sat on the other side of me making me grin.

When the movie ended I've accomplished to finish two boxes of tissues " whyyyyyy that bitch had to fucking die " I started to cry making the girls cry with me and the guys just laughed , Ezra being the closest J smacked him on his head .

" ass hole this is an emotional moment " I said grabbing the third box and opening it .

" it sure is princess " Ezra mumbled

" ugh its 11pm I'm going to sleep "
I said and stood up heading too..

" wait were will I sleep ?" I rubbed my eyes hard .
" you can sleep with me " Sasha volunteered.
" or me ?.." Ezra said sarcastically
" haha mario you still didn't earn it "
I said then headed to Sashas room hearing him growl behind .

Damn girl.. you got him .
My inner self said and I shrugged grinning.

Finally I completed this chapter 1076 words ha .. anyway I hope you liked it vote and comment pls 🥀🖤
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