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" MOTHER FUCKER WHAT!!!" I screamed as I got of bed naked and answered my phone, Ezra growled and covered his ears with my pillow.

" ROSALIE!! "  blue shouted from the other side of the phone and made me drop it .

" what do you want blue ??" I asked annoyed.

" I need too help so HELP ME"

" what happened are you hurt??" I asked now getting worried.

" no why would I be hu- wait don't answer that just come over here I have a date in 2 hours and I don't know what to do "

" in tw- wait what time is it ? " I asked as I looked over to the black clock that was on the wall and it said 5:30 pm .

"Holly shit " I hissed " I'll be right there " and with that I hung up the phone and went over to Ezra and pulled the pillow off his head and kissed him .

" wake up sleeping beauty " I whispered
and when he didn't respond I frowned and licked his ear sending him up from the bed..

" I'm up, I'm up "

I grinned then noticed that I was totally naked, my face turned red as a fresh tomato as I grabbed the blanket that was over Ezra and warped it over myself, a few seconds later I realised that Ezra was naked too.

" there is too much nakedness in here " I said and he laughed shaking his head making his bed hair swing.

I pulled my clothes and went to the bathroom and turned on the water for a quick shower, two minutes later Ezra decided to join me warping his hand around my waist I just leaned back to his heat .

" I love you " I said

" I love you too mu one and only queen " he said and kissed my cheek " so whats with blue ?"

" she has a date and she wants my help"

20 minutes later

I'm in bluebells room and it a mess, clothes are everywhere and she's laying under a pile of them like she's dead .

" whats up with her ?" Becca whispered

" apparently she's freaking out" I whispered back .

" I heard that " blue said as she got up from the ground and sat on the edge of her bed .

" your meant to idiot " I said now heading to my old room and grabbing an outfit I bought for my first date but I never really wore it .

" do you want to wear this ?" I asked coming back to blues room and holding out the dress .

" yes" blue and becca said at the same time and I smirked handing my sister the dress and she immediately went to her bathroom to change , and when she came out I was left speechless.
My sister looked exactly like my mother but younger her figure reminded me of her her big eyes and pink lips, and I just smiled.

" you look really beautiful bluebell" I said softly and she smiled back excited .

" ok makeup " I said suddenly jumping.

Me and Becca worked on blues make up I did the eyes while Becca did the face .

Me and Becca worked on blues make up I did the eyes while Becca did the face

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" I'm nervous " blue whispered

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" I'm nervous " blue whispered

" don't be you look beautiful , just like mom " I said holding her face between my hands .

" tha- " before she completed her sentence the bell rang and all of us looked at the door confused.

" well someone's excited " Becca said and we laughed, then I went down to open the door as I descended I saw that dad already opened it and in front of him was 6ft tall boy with messy brown hair and eyes that shifted from my father to me then to the stairs behind me and they grew wider by the second, and I smirked.

" wow " the boy said not daring to move because my dad had a deadly glare set upon him.

I grabbed my fathers arm and pulled him away to my side and whispered " just be kind this once to her date, she's really happy " and he nodded.

" hey Tyler " blue said with a shy voice , as she walked towards him and he just kept on staring like an angel was standing in front of him.

" uh-hi umm you look absolutely gorgeous " he said while scratching the back of his head nervously.

" so dad, Rosalie this is Tyler.. Tyler meet my sister and father "

" Whats up " both me and dad said at the same time .

" hi " Tyler said simply then moved his gaze back to blue and began " shall we ? "

" yes "

" take care of my daughter or- " I elbowed dad before letting him finish his sentence, then escorted the couple to door .

" have fun " I whispered to blue and she smiled. And with that I closed the door behind then and turned to see my father laying on the ground and his palm on his waist .

" what was that for!!!" He shouted in pain .

" I said be nice "



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Hope u liked the chap.
What do u think will happen in the next one ??

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~love lana 🥀🖤

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