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We stepped out of Ezras huge apartment and found the boys waiting outside with a black Porsche making me grin .
" well hello boys " I said walking up to them and then hopping to on the drivers seat ..
" lets go or I'm leaving without you people"
Instantly all of the got in Ezra next to me , Louise and Bryce sat in the back . I started the engine and drove to my favourite club.

It took us 10 minutes to arrive to the club , the girls already there ,looking hot   Af

It took us 10 minutes to arrive to the club , the girls already there ,looking hot   Af

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(Zoeys dress)

(Rebecas dress)As we got out of the car the boy expect for Ezra gasped when the saw the girls which planted a huge grin on Becas face and a blush on Zoeys

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(Rebecas dress)
As we got out of the car the boy expect for Ezra gasped when the saw the girls which planted a huge grin on Becas face and a blush on Zoeys .

" lets go people ! " I shouted as I started walking towards the entrance, then I felt a hard yet soft hands place it self on my back and pulling towards its master .. and I knew exactly who it belonged to.
"What are you doing Ezra?"

" you are wearing a very revealing dress so I have to keep you by my side" Ezra whispered in my ears and I smirked taking his hand off and whispered back.

"No need for that big guy I can handle everything by myself " his eyes turned dark but I patted his face softly and smiled at him making his eyes soften immediately.

When we entered my favourite song AKA ( despasito) was playing , making me jump from excitement.

" AAAHHh my fav. Sonnnng , let dance  bitches " I shouted at them and went to the dance floor and my body automatically took over my hips moved on their own in circles . I grabbed a beer from the closest waiter I found and started drinking while still dancing, then I stopped looking at Zoey dancing with Louise and Rebeca was dancing insanely with Bryce moving her hips with his as he grabbed her waist..
those look really good together.. but where's your guy .
He is not mine!! But seriously where is he .

I flipped my head scanning the crowed thats when I spotted him standing near a wall as a brunette slut ran her hand on him obviously to get him in her pants for no fucking reason at all

No way I suggest rose to go and take him .

And just like that I walked up to them , and pulled Ezras from the sluts grip which made her stumble back a bit .

" what the hell slut " the brunette screamed at my face .

I wiped my face as If she spat on me
" ooh I'm the slut huh " I answered

" duh bitch "

" even if i was a slut it would take me year and years of practice to reach your level .. and keep your filthy hand off of whats clearly not yours " I spat back at her and her face grew red by the second and it made me smirk at her .

" well he is clearly not yours either " she replied crossing her arms.

Not yet he isn't.. wait ..

I looked at Ezra who looked back at me amused, then I grabbed his neck and pulled him to me uniting our lips , and I looked at his eyes as they grew wide with something mixed with confusion , need and lust as he slid his hands to my waist , before letting him deepen the kiss I pulled back and looked back at the tomato red brunette .
" he is now bitch " I said then grabbed Ezras hand and went back to the dance floor and started dancing with him as he placed his hands on my hips as I moved them towards him.
" It seems like I'm the one who is supposed to keep you by my side "

" oh really " Ezra leaned in and kissed my neck making me tense.

" don't get ahead of yourself " I whispered taking another beer from the waiter and drank it all .

Moments later the song changed into a low one and I removed Ezras hands of me and turned around to face him and saw that his silver blinding eyes were shining as the looked deep into my green ones . I placed my hand around his neck and we started dancing together with the low beats off the music , it was like there was no body but us in that crowded room .

" I want you " Ezra said out of nowhere .

" you need to work harder to earn me " I whispered in his ears and then rested my chin on his shoulders .

" you should know that I always get what I want my queen "

I know ..
Two hours later

" you are not driving like that " Louise shouted at Zoey and Rebeca

" yes we are we aren't that drunk " zoey shouted back

" yes we aren't " I said with a hiccup

" oh really I dare you Rosalie Queen to walk straight till the car " Ezra said crossing his arm ,

" fine ass hole "

I started walking to the car an then out of nowhere I hit a sign and call on my butt . " ouch that dum ass sign who puts A LARGE ASS SIGN ON THE FUCKING ROAD "

" you said it princess a LARGE ass sign , and you still didn't see it "
Ezra said pulling me up and guided me to his car .
" they're all living in my house guys ,drop them there " I shouted to the guys because I knew there was no escaping Ezra now .

" your house or my house ? " he asked

" my house " I said rubbing my eyes ,

" my house it is "..
Whattt ?
But I couldn't object cause I was already sleeping.

Hope u like the chap. Vote and comment pls. 🖤
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