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It was 11 pm and Ezra wasn't back.
One week has passed since that bitch Rachel escaped killing a dozen of my men with her, and Ezra promised me to kill her .
I want her dead sooo baddd
I left 10 miss calls on Ezras phone, I was now really worried that I ate two huge buckets of chocolate chip Ice cream and I was still not satisfied, like bitch seriously I'm never full, one minute I'm in love with strawberries and the other I'm eating a jar of Nutella.

I was sitting in Ezras bed wearing his oversized black shirt and boxers, and boy how they feel so comfortable, Lina and blue were laying beside me Lina was sleeping soundly producing snores from both her mouth and nose and on my right hand was blue she was watching Netflix on her small ass phone .
" ughh I'm gonna die because of this, why isn't he picking up that ass hole if I get my hands him-"

" you'd kill me or kiss me ?" His voice made a grin form on my face and my heart hammered at the sight of his muscular figure and silver eyes .

" where were you mother fucker ?!" I said suddenly angry with him
" whats up with the thug tone ?"
" I am not talking like a thug it the FUCKING HORMONES "
" I figured "
" oh please " I said making a face then said again" where were you "

Ezra came closer to the bed and sat on the place were Blue was sitting on .

When on earth did that girl got out of the room ?"

Ezras face was now a few inches in front of me I could fell his warm breath on my jaw but I couldn't separate my eyes from his captivating ones .
" I did it "
" you did what " I whispered feeling dizzy .
" I killed her for you. She and all the people with her "
" good " I said relieved as I pulled him closer to me and crashed my lips to his and melted into infinity.
I wished everything could stop here, just here. But of course we were interrupted by a disgusted sound and it was Linas.
I broke the kiss and looked to me left and saw that the blond little girl was now awake and looked like a mess and needed some attention.
" hey pumpkin " I said grabbing her small frame between my arms and squeezed her between me and Ezra .

" I-can't breath " she struggled between us until we let her go, Ezra and I started to laugh at her making her frown.
" seriously I could've died " her small voice spoke " there was no oxygen at all"
That made us laugh even more .
" how did you grow up this fast ??" I asked Lina and she smiled back at me, her smile was wide and filled with satisfaction from what I said .
" finally Someone said that I'm growing up "
I chuckled as Ezra pulled me to him .
" maybe I'll get a boy friend this year or the year after " Lina said out of nowhere and that made my head snap to her once more .
" absolutely not young lady, you are not allowed to get a boyfriend until you reach at least 14 "
" you know thats not too far away don't you ??" Ezra said while sniffing my hair from behind .
" I know that, at least she'll be more mature than now, or let's make it 15 "
" wow what a difference " Lina said getting off the bed and out of the room .

Two minutes passed and me and Ezra did not change our position he was still sniffing my hair and that made me relax .
" Rosalie "
" hmm "
" get dressed we are going out"
" where "
" non of your building my queen just do what you told " he said letting me go and walked to the door and as he was going to go out I asked
" casual or nice "
" uhhh nice " he answered with a grin that told me exactly what he wanted me to wear .

After running through my dresses I found the perfect one of all and luckily it fitted, I was worried with the pregnancy that I wouldn't fit anything anymore but thank God that that time still didn't come .

After running through my dresses I found the perfect one of all and luckily it fitted, I was worried with the pregnancy that I wouldn't fit anything anymore but thank God that that time still didn't come

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