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To remi511 ♥️🌹

It was the damn MATH class again , I swear to god that this class is stupidly worthless what will I ever do with the squares and circles uuuuugggggghhhh
I just want it to stop . Damn Mr. Lowell was getting on my nerves and he better stop he made me answer 6 questions and told me to make an essay about why numbers don't end . What the heck! Ezra pulled me on his lap to comfort me when he was the one who needed it the most he snapped at Mr. Lowell twice because he got on my nerves and he was about to punch him too .

The bell rang both me and Ezra rushed out of that awful classroom making it to the hallway.
I gasped for air " damn that classroom is toxic ughh"
Ezra chuckled and pulled me to him and said "want to get out off here"  and I nodded .

We went to one of the empty class rooms and I grabbed a piece of paper and he pulled out a lighter . We both climbed on the table and Ezra burned the paper with his lighter and it turned to ashes and the smoke went up and touched the fire detector and we both smirked as water sprayed on us including the whole school too .

I grabbed Ezras collar and pulled him to me kissing him a quick but passionate kiss making him warp his hand around me and pull me closer he wanted no space between us . And by that we lost our balance and feel , Ezra instantly flipped me so that his back was the one  who hit the floor and I landed on top of him and he coughed . I instantly got off him and looked at him , and he started laughed and got up pulling me with him in a bridal style and I warped my hand around his neck .

" you just fell on your back and u pick me up like this "

" you hurt me by your word princess, I'm not fragile " he frowned.

" I know " I planted a kiss on his cheek and rested my head on his chest as we exited the chaotic place heading for his car .

Ezra dropped me home and said
" be ready for tonight "

" what's happening tonight?" I asked

" our first date " and with that he left me shocked with excitement and I ran straight to my room and took a hot great bath .

What will you wear dumbass
My inner self said and I smiled knowing exactly what I'll wear so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep in my huge hot tub .

What will you wear dumbass My inner self said and I smiled knowing exactly what I'll wear so I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep in my huge hot tub

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When I woke up the water was cold and my friends were already here .
I got owt off the tub, warped a towed on myself and entered my closet to pick up my dress to see that Becca was already there looking for something to wear I presume.
" what are you doing ? " I asked

" I have a date dear Rose " she replied not turning around.

" with who might I ask "

" Bryce asked me today when school ended - do u like this on me ?"

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