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I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the night , we ate dinner and laughed at Ezras silly jokes .
And now we were about to go in a boat Ezra bought just for me it was a small cute one with purple fairy lights all over the edges .
We were quite as the bout flouted over the flowered water .
I'm happy.
I'm happy with him !
I said to myself making my smile grow even bigger, and Ezra looked at me curiously.
" what are you thinking about princess?" He asked

" nothing "

" ahuhh" he replied but didn't say anything more .

I suddenly jumped on him making the small boat flip and we were instantly in the water.
I laughed as I gripped Ezra who was now panting and gasping for air because of my sudden reaction.
I just pulled his neck and smashed my lips on his and he growled in satisfaction, I warped my legs around his wait depending on him completely to keep us floating.

Our kiss deepened as we arrived to the shore he pulled me out and got out after me, we kept kissing not breaking it once. Then he licked my lower lip asking for permission which I denied so he bit my lip and I gasped making his tongue enter me mouth and me started french kissing and I moaned making him growl again and break the kiss .

" damn princess you drive me crazy"

We looked at each others eyes silver ones with green .

" I love you " we both said at the same time .

His eyes went wide and so did mine .
He loves me .

"Only me? " I asked sarcastically.

" only you , and always will be " he whispers and I grin .

" good boyfriend " I said and patted his head softly making him role his eyes and I laugh.

I looked at him again he was on top of me his hair and clothes sere soaked with water , he looked really good .

" don't look at anyone like that except me " he said burying his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled me sent as if he was addicted to it .
" your mine now my queen, mine alone "

" I know Lincoln, I know"

We stayed like that for about 30 minutes warped in each others arm and whispering sweet nothings to each other, until I started shivering from my wet clothes that were now cold as fuck .

Ezra sensed that I was cold so he held me even closed so that his body heat could transfer to me and by that he picked me up and headed to his car, and he drove me back home .

When we arrived I noticed dads black car outside my house .
Well your fucked babe , I hope you know that .
I mentally slapped my inner self so she could stop talking . Sometimes she gets so annoying that I just want to shove a hole apple in her mouth so she could stop talking.
Ezra didn't seem to mind as he lifted me in a bridal style and went to the door, and knocked it twice .

Zoey opened that door and whispered " becca is inside and- why are you both wet "
" this lovely person right here decidedly that it was a great idea to jump on me and kiss me while we were in a boat in the middle if a lake " Ezra said tightening his grip around me making me a blush and Zoey smirk and say "awww"

" YOU DID WHAT IN THE MIDDLE OF LAKE" my dad shouted from inside the house making me jump from Ezras house and land on the ground in a solitary way .

Dad came in view with Lina on his shoulder .

He is not pleased rosie not pleased.
Don't you think I know that Idiot .

" Rosalie go change before you get a fever , you too Lincoln "

"Yes sir " we both replied at the same time and headed up .

30 minutes later

I was laying on my bed waiting for Ezra to get out of the bathroom I missed him already .

I was laying on my bed waiting for Ezra to get out of the bathroom I missed him already

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(What Rosalies wearing)

I was about to close my eyes when my bathrooms door opened and a shirtless Ezra came out making me gasp .

Damn those abs .

I kept staring at him mouth open , then I noticed him staring back with a smirk planted in his face .

" can you stop eye raping me now " he said gently.
" uh-haha yeah " I got up and started to walk towards the door when his hands grabbed my waist and pulled me to his hard chest , he warped his arms around me and he started kissing my neck when my door burst open and blue stepped inside with her phone in her hand then she looked up and stopped dead in her track, then her shocked face slowly turned to an amused one and she asked in a sarcastic tone "dad is gonna murder him you know that right ?"

I rolled my eyes and got out of Ezras grip and moved towards her .

" what do you want sis ?"

" dad wants you both down, there is an urgent matter he needs to discuss with you and its a serious one too"

I exchanged a nervous and confused glance with Ezra who didn't seem confused at all .
Another chap. Done ❤️
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~love lana 🥀🖤

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