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The night went un unexpectedly well ,
Ezra asked me to dance with him again and i agreed I wanted everything to be smooth, Zoey and Rebeca went to the gang house to take care of something urgent bluebell got tired so dad aloud her to rest .
" your sister seemed so happy tonight " dad said
"Me and Ezra came to an agreement to join both out mafias but he will still be the head of his side and I'll be of mine until of course you take over cupcake"

" I won't let you down daddy " I said looking up at him

" I know baby " he said kissing my forehead
" I'm going to the garden to breathe some fresh air " i pulled back and started heading for the garden when dad said " don't forget that your going to school in two days and it's your last year "
I frowned and kept on walking.
Relief rushed through me as I took my hells of and my feet touched the grass
Dad made this garden for me cause he new it calmed me down all the flowers the little noises that comforted me , I remembered my mom planting each and everyone of those flowers
Roses she planted the most they were my favourite.
"Why?.." I whispered my voice braking " everything was perfect until that hateful night "

3 years earlier
" dadddd " I said walking straight into my dads office
"Hmm " he said not lifting his head from his papers
" where's mom ? I thought we were going to watch magic mike together? "
Dad snapped his head up
Well that got his attention
" you will not watch such a movie and besides she had to go to the ER
she had an emergency call from the hospital so she left "
I mouthed oh then turned my back so I could leave but a squeeze in my heart made me stop ...
Dads phone rang and I swallowed
Something happened
"Hell-" he was cut of by a loud bang from the other side .
Everything stopped .
My dads eyes grew wide and dropped the phone .
I was already racing to the door dad behind me we got in our cars and sped through the road trying to reach the hospital as soon as possible but it was too late
Too fucking late
The hospital was on flames ...
Dad grabbed the nearest person and asked him what happened
" it-it was an attack some scumbags from some kind of gang blew the place up "
And dad broke
For the first time in my life
And I followed
" they're gonna pay-" We growled
and they did

End of flashback *
Tears were already all over my face ..
" you okay ?.. " a voice rough yet gentle spoke Ezra
I wiped my tears and put a smile on and turned on and said
" why wouldn't I be ? " I walked past him
" I don't believe you " he whispered

Next day
I got up at 8:30 in the morning did my business brushed my teeth and wore my outfit for the day , grabbed my coffee and went to my shop .

Two hours later

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Two hours later

I came out if the kitchen with my signature Nutella cupcakes and made my way to put them in their place when on of my workers said " hello boss I'm so sorry but I need to go right now ... uhh my wife is in labor like right now "

" oh ok I'll take your place GOO now "
I saw him running out the door and i made my way to the counter a smirk made it way to my lips "What can i help you with sir " i said before lifting my head ..
and there he was silver eyes and all
We both looked at each other with shocked expressions on our face...

Finally finished itttttt!!!!!
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Love Lana 🥀

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