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"WHHHAATT?" I shouted not believing what I just heard .

" Rosalie calm down " my dad said while sipping his black coffee.

" How exactly do you want me to calm down daddy when my so called cousin who also ordered to shoot me wants to meet up .. with us ... ALL OF US .
Who do he think he is "

" you just said it princess, he is your cousin " Ezra said also drinking his black coffee.

I glared at him and he continued " I suggested we meet up with him in my company , well have backup in case he decides to attack us , and we can kill him instantly "

Another sip.

How can they stand that stuff!!

" when ? " I asked

" tomorrow morning " Dad said taking another gulp and I made a disgusted face then took the cup from him and gave it another chance .

" ugghhh yuck " I said handing the cup back to dad, who was now laughing his ass out and Ezra followed him .

When the finished laughing I was already heading to my room so I could get a good sleep cause tomorrow was going to be a long day .

After wearing my Spongebob pyjamas I walked out of my changing room to see that Ezra was already laying under my covers. I smiled and walked over to the other side and got in the covers next to him but gave him my back, and slowly I felt his hands slid their way around my waist, I leaned back into his hard chest and moaned lazily making him go stiff .

" princess I suggest that you stop moaning or I will lose control on my self " Ezra whispered into my ears and I grinned and stopped as his hands tightened around me .

Ugh I love this warmth

" goodnight Lincoln "

" goodnight my Queen " he replied and kissed the back of my head sending me straight into sleep .

Next Day

"Wake the FUCK UP" My dads voice pulled me straight out my beautiful dream to the whole nothingness anddd out of Ezras arms and into the ground .

" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" Ezra shouted back at my dad while holding his temple.

" you two are not allowed to be at the same room alone " my dad said calmly .

" and you should be ready in 50 minutes for the meeting that will be at your company Ezra "

Ezra got out of the bed in a hurry and walked to the door saying that he would meet us at his building.

Wait how could a senior own  a company all for him self !
My inner self asked and I just shrugged, well the world is going crazy these days .

I got my dad out of the room and went to the bathroom and did my business then brushed me teeth and got out heading to my closet and pulled out an outfit that I was dying to use for ages and put it on .

I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, put my signature red lipstick on and then walked out of my room and went down stairs to see my dad waiting in a very fine suit that hugged his muscles and made him look much younger

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I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, put my signature red lipstick on and then walked out of my room and went down stairs to see my dad waiting in a very fine suit that hugged his muscles and made him look much younger.

I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, put my signature red lipstick on and then walked out of my room and went down stairs to see my dad waiting in a very fine suit that hugged his muscles and made him look much younger

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Dad looked up to see me and smirked as if to say ( Thats my baby girl) and I smirked back .

" you ready cupcake ?" Dad said offering me his arm to grab.

" yeah " I said as I it , and we walked out of the house and into my dads car .

29 minutes later

We arrived to Ezra company and he was waiting for us near the entrance with his head stuck in his phone probably assigning people to guard us and stuff.

Ezra noticed that we arrived so he came up to us with a serious expression on his face .
He seems really cold rosiee
My inner self said and I nodded.

" he's already here "

" where ?" I asked and Ezras eyes looked with mine and I saw them soften a little but the coldness came back when my dad cleared his throat .

" she asked a question "

" he is in the meeting room with two other men who I presume are his bodyguards " Ezra replied and started heading to the elevator and pressed 50 .
Ezra was too wearing a suit that fitted him perfectly that I almost wanted to see him shirtless.
Fuck shuuut uppp

We reached the 50th floor and Exra got out first to lead us to the meeting room

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We reached the 50th floor and Exra got out first to lead us to the meeting room.
The corridors were flawless with mahogany everywhere .
Just my type .

We kept on walking until we reached the end of the corridor to face a large wooden door that had a large L in the middle with I think represents Ezras surname. I then masked my face to a non expression one that looked even colder that Ezras as he opened the door .

I then see my dear cousin Ely sitting in the chair that was on the end of the long table ahead of us with a smirk on his face and two huge guys at each side of him .

" hello dear cousin " he said .

" fuck you Ely"  I replied putting on the same smirked he had moments ago that now turned into a dark glare.



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This is Ely 😋
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~love Lana 🥀

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