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"DADDY!!!!!" I woke up screaming again.
It had been 4 days since my father died, my shoulder didn't heal yet because I couldn't stay put . Ely locked me up in his basement because I refused him after killing my father, and nightmares didn't leave me once .
It was dark and cold and I barely ate anything, they didn't even bother to bring me fresh food .

I still couldn't believe that Ely killed my dad. My tears didn't stop falling and my body didn't stop shaking .

There is nothing I can do..

Then all of a sudden the basements door opened and Ely entered with a smirk when he saw me awake .

" well you are awake " he said

" fuck you " I replied.

" mind your manners or I won't be gentle anymore "

" oh my.. and you call this gentle " I said motioning to the place .

" you have no idea"

I got up from the ground and ran up to him while balling my fist making it ready to make contact his face and thats what happened, the next thing he was on the ground spitting blood.

" I despise you, you could've let him live "
I could see the anger building inside of him and that made me both happy and nervous.

What's next ..

Ely stood up and in a flash he was standing in front of me with both his hands warped around my throat .

" you are really stubborn and it's unbearable" he whispered then in a loud voice he said " bring her in "


The door opened and there entered one guard and something in his arms. No someone small.. and everything ended .
In that guards arm was laying Lina, my baby sister.
But how ?
Why her ?
"Lina" I gasped trying to get out of Elys grip to save her but I couldn't he pressed even more making my vision blurry.

" no.. NO" I screamed " Don't hurt her not my little sister "

" then obey me or she's next "

And everything went to black again.

I was sitting in the living room laying on Ezras lap facing the TV and both mom and dad were on the sofa in front of us . I turned to Ezra and saw him beaming.
" what ?" I whispered

" I still can't believe that your preg-"
Darkness came and went and all I saw was blood everywhere it was covering me and on the floor layed Mom, dad, and Ezra , and on the sofa sat Ely with a knife in his hands .

" you did this " he said

I woke up again covered in sweat even though it was cold in Elys damn basement. I straightened myself and pulled my legs to my chest and warped my arm around them, and just then I saw something shining stuck on the wall beside me .

A nail . A huge nail was stuck in the wall. I moved closer to it and grabbed it with both hand and started to pull .
And nothing happened, so I putted both my feet on the wall and pulled again with all my strength.
Just then it came out and made my head hit the ground, and the door opened and came through it was the guard from earlier the one who was carrying Lina .
I quickly hid the nail in the hand of the jacket I was wearing and said
" where is my sister"

" don't worry miss she is safe I would never do anything to that angel " he said

" your not one of them are you ? " I asked confused.

" no miss , boss sent me.Ezra "

" thank god, where is he "

" he'sgoing to be here on less than twenty minutes "

" what's your name ?" I asked proudly.

" Finik miss"

" Finik go watch over my sister "

" as you wish, and miss that asshole is going to enter in few minutes so u better use that nail" he said as he went out .

I straightened up again and waited for Ely to enter I waited for the moment he with take his last breath . And die .

One minute later Ely walked in his head high as always .
" did you change you mind love "

" yes " I said slowly trying to look convincing and lowered my head and looke at the ground.

" thank you " he said and he took a few steps towards me and I got up so I can be as the same hight as him. Ely grabbed my chin and lifted my head up so I looked at him in the eyes as he said
" your lying aren't you "

" damn right I am " I said and stuck the nail straight in his throat and pulled it out and lunged at him again and again .
Almost immediately blood splashed out of him and into the room and me included and with that he fell on the ground lifeless.

" I told you I would kill you bitch "

Just then I heard gunshots out side and Ezras voice
" ROSALIE " it said .

Hope you liked the chapter
Vote and comment pls 💜
Love lana 🖤🥀

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