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Here's my fist imagine in this book.

You was sitting in the lodge when James come running over to me. He was or of breathe. You laughed at his silliness. You have always like James for years.

"James, what's going on?" you asked.

"I just saw this beautiful girl by the pool and I need your help to ask her out on a date," James explained.

Your heart was crushed at what he said.

"Yeah sure, who's this girl?" yo asked, trying to act like this wasn't hurting you.

James rushed you over to the pool and pointed a redheaded girl in a black swimming suit. He was right, she was pretty. He always was with prettier girls than you. You should really get over James after helping I with his problem.

"Okay, I'll help you," you said.

"Thanks so much (Y/N), you're a good friend to have," James said, hugging you.

You pulled away and said," Yeah, that's what I am."

For weeks, it take that long to get James not nervous to ask Kelly (that's her name).
You gave him flowers to give to Kelly. He gave them to her before asking her on a date for the next night. She said yes. You spend the day and night fixing Kelly's favorite food (chinese food) for his date at the park. You reserved the park for their date. You was putting last minute touches to the table you set up when James come up.

"Thanks again for doing this for me," James said.

"No problem, I'll do anything for you," out told him, trying to straightening his tie.

"You look nice tonight," James said.

You blushed at him liking the dress you decided to put on to serve James' and Kelly's dinner and dessert.

"Thanks," I said, fixing the utensils.

He sat down and asked you to sat down to. He wanted to practice on what to say to Kelly. We talked and laughed until his phone beeped, saying he got a text. He looked upset.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"Kelly said that she was unable to make it to our date," James explained.

"Well, do you want to just order pizza and watch movies on the couch?" you asked.

"No, you spend a lot of time on this, we're not letting it go the waste," James answered.

"Are you sure?" I asked, as he started eating the Chicken Alfredo pasta and Caesar salad you made hours ago.

"Yeah, besides, Kelly, can go on a date with me another night," James replied, before putting some garlic bread in his mouth.

"Okay, I am hungry, we can totally have dinner like we used to do months ago," you explained," There has to be stuff neither of us know about each other."

"We should do this every Friday night, I miss seeing you," James said.

You two talked, laughed, and learn new things about each other.

"Wait, let me see if I got this right, because your ex dumped you in a text, you run over his truck with your cousin's tractor," James asked.

"Yup, it happened," you answered, eating the strawberry cheesecake you made for dessert.

"Wow, remember to never made you mad," James said.

Then when James asked you to dance, he kissed you because of how close you two were. You was shocked at first but you kissed him back. You thought it was magical and wonderful for your first kiss. But you pushed James away from you. Tears run down your face. James was going to say something but you run away from him. You run to your apartment and locked the door door behind you. Since Jo's dad was away on some big mission across the world, you moved in with her. As you slides down the door as you saw Kendall and Jo sitting on the couch watching some movie. Jo rushed to your side and helped you back up.

"(Y/N), what happened?" Jo asked," Was it James and Kelly again?"

She and Kendall knew about your true feelings for James when they find you crying into an ice cream carton and cried about your feelings about them going on a date. That James will never see you as anything besides friends. You nodded yes to her question because you didn't trust your voice right now. Jo helped you find more comfortable but someone was at the door. They were talking to Kendall. You and Jo went back to the living room after she fixed your make up again. You saw Kendall sitting on the couch while James was standing next to it with flowers.

"James, what are you doing here?" you asked.

"I lied to you about who that date was for, it wasn't for Kelly," James answered.

"Then who was it for?" you asked, hoping it was for you.

"I didn't know if you would say yes to this date after that chad guy cheated on you last week," James explained.

You took the flowers he handed you and smelled them. You smiled at them. Your feelings for James never really went away.

"I was trying to get over my feelings for you,"yo said.

"And have you?" James asked, as he pulled you closer to him," Have you got over me?"

"No I still care deeply for you," you said, starring into his eyes.

I saw emotions I've never saw in his eyes before. It was love.

"Good because I care a lot about you, too," James replied.

You kissed James and you would have deepen the kiss but hear someone say aww's really loudly behind you two.

"Why don't we hang out in your room," James suggested," For more private."

"Good idea, you make the bags of cheesy popcorn and rocky road ice cream while I picked the movies," you said.

You pulled away and  run to the door to the hallway that leads yours and Jo's rooms.

"At least, no romantic chick flicks,"

You turned to him and said," Do you think you'll be able to say no to me about that?"

"No," James said, as he put together a tray of snacks and ice cream in bowls.

You two ate snacks, talked, and watched movies all night. You fall asleep in James' arms. Your life with James was filled with fun, laughter, and love everyday of your life. You do after all married at 23 and had twin boy and girl at 28.

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