Chapter 6 - Different

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"Wait, do ubductions actually happen?" Keith asked her. We were all interested in the culture of Mars, or Ares I guess. I ws a birth scared (Y/N) may not be able to remeber any. You tend to forget things in that place. She seemed rk have remebered a lot, and was remebering more as we were talking.

She smiled in nastolga. It was her first time smiling since she woke up. For someone I couldn't picture without a smile, it was strange seeing them without one. "Yeah," she answered, with a little laugh in her voice. "Its usually something teenagers do, for kicks. It's sorta like our sneaking out at night activity."

"So on Earth people are thought of as crazy because some teenager pulled a prank," Hunk asked. (Y/N) nodded.

"I never saw the fun in it," she confessed, "Its actually illegal. Not like the kids even get punished for it."

"What about the Egyptian Pyramids?" Lance questioned. (Y/N) became silent as she was thinking about it.

"I don't remember, but if I do, I'll tell ya," she may use informal language, but her tone didn't match it. It was stoic, but would dip into depressed at times. I boticed how she barely ate anything infront of her. I assumed she must not be used to eating.

"Wait, (Y/N)," Pidge inturupted, "How old are you?" She moved her gaze down to her hand, and shrugged. There should have been some emotion on her face. Something sad. There was nothing.

I remebered when I asked her that question. She told me she wouldn't let that place change her. She jad so much hope and determination in that one droclaimation. I thought she had only been there for a couple months after I learned about what gose on there. I thought she was so brave for thinking like that. She must had finally let them get to her in my absents.

"I think I'm around twenty two," (Y/N) said with a bit of thought. I was surprised. If she was captured when she was seventeen, she had been in there for five years. She had been tortured for five years. She was treating as an animal for five years. I thought the one year was bad enough.

"Woah, but you don't look any younger than us!" Hunk declared. I was even shocked by how old she was. She didn't look older than a teenager. It could be how she carried herself, or her extremely long hair.

"Ares again strangely," she shrugged, "I mean Beyonce is Ares, a lot of famous people are actually." She just blew the teenagers' minds. The two Alteans were confused by everything they were talking about, but didn't seem to mind.

"(Y/N) is it true that Aresians have control of power?" Coran asled. We all looled at home confused.

Alura, after some thought, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I had talked with an Aresian, and they told me how they could make manipulate energy. Like recharging a battery to making a flower grow." That would be quite the ability.

"We do have that power," (Y/N) answered, as stoic as ever. "We can control and sense energy. Fully blooded Ares can manipulate the energy that's present, create energy from nothing, or take away energy. I can only manipulate energy." She shrugged, as if it wasn't anything to be proud of.

"Then why didn't you use your powers to escape the Galra?" Pidge freak out, qurstioning the logic. Honestly I didn't get it either. It did explain how she could always tell whe. something was coming to our cells.

(Y/N) started playong with a collar around her neck. I hadn't noticed it before. It was not on any other Galra slave. I remebered she was still covered in blood and was wearing the slave clothing. "Maybe you should change before we continue talking," I brought up that point. She did have a way of capturing your attention.

"I can do that," Alura offered, "You still haven't had a moment to rest after the mission, Shiro. Go wind down." She grabbed (Y/N) and the two disappeared.

• ° • ° • ° •

I finished training, it was my way of calming down. I then went on the search for (Y/N). I couldn't find her anywhere. "Have any of you seen (Y/N)?" I asked everyone as theybwere all sitting in the lounge.

"She told me she was tired and I showed her to her room," Alura informed me. The had all been suportave of me wanting her to stay here. I was sorta scared that (Y/N) wouldn't want to. She was independent, while I had grown to need her.

I went to the room Alura had set up for her. It was more of a room and less of a buncker like mine and the other paladin's. But even that would be a step up from a Galra cell. A blood coating, scratched up, Galra cell. Her absents sent me into shock. What if she left. I immediately started running all ovet the shop trying to find (Y/N).

I found her in the bunker, sitting infront of the red lion. She was just staring at it. "I'm glad you moved on," she said out of no where. I had no idea who she was talking to. "I should have never been your piolet to begin with." Wait, what? I could hear small sobs echoing through the room. "I really am useless. I don't remember anything useful, I can barely even remeber my name. I can't do abything to help them. I can't return home, even if I can call it that. I'm not even sure who I am anymore." She paused looking st the lion waiting for a reasons, "Yeah, I shouldn't have expect a response. I should have broken our bond years ago, saved us both some trouble."

"(Y/N)," I called out to her, making my presence known to her. "Do you want to tell me what's going on." She didn't even then back to look at me.

"No," she ssid simply, all her emotions disappearing once again.

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