Chapter 8 - Maintenance

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I somehow managed to convince (Y/N) to got to the other's for help with her leg. I gather Alura, Pidge, and Hunk, hoping they could help in one way or another. I told them about it and they were all willing to help. But even judt looking at it for the first time they all paled. "It's shoved right in there," Hunk commented.

"Sometimes it bleeds..." she mumbled. She's been trying to be more open, trying to get past it all. Still she is so much more reserved from her story telling and joking around in the cells. (Y/N) let out a light laugh, catching us all of guard. "My robotic leg bleeds," she laughed, or was it more like crying. But it did seem like something she would laugh at, alway found her misery more funny than her own jokes.

Hunk took a step back, trying not to vomit. "Well one things for sure it needs to come out," Allura declared nonchalantly. We all snapped to look at her in surprise and fear. "What gose in must come out," the princess said with a shrug.

"Excuse me but how do you plan on doing that?" (Y/N) asked, showing the most emotion since her rescue. "Cause last time I checked you were a princess not a trained medical professional." At least someone was voicing what we were all thinking.

"It can't be that hard to take off," Allura scoffed, "And don't worry we'll put you under so you won't feel a thing." She sat a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder for comfort.

The Artesian was not comforted by this at all. "So not only are you going to remove the metal that they tried to fuse with my bone, but also every wire they link to my nerves. No thank you princess I prefer on terrible robotic leg over no leg at all." I was both amazed by her sudden sass, and horrified at her discretion. I could help but reach to where my arm and robotics meet.

The others must have been as horrified at her knowledge as I was. " I was awake when the put it on... " she confessed, obviously not wanting to. I came over and sat next to her, knowing she needed the comfort. Just the look in her eyes told me it was hard to think back on.

Alura gasped at this development. "Monsters," she hissed, "The galra are nothing but monsters. "

Pidge had lost interest with the conversation and was more interested in the leg itself. "It appears this leg in much less sophisticated as Shiro's arm, like it's the firs to it's kind. Much more mechanical than technological," Pidge quickly shared.

"Well the galra replace there arms for weapons, many galra commanders have robotic arms that hold weapons for them to use in battle over their opentent," (Y/N) was quick to explain, "They just felt like cutting off my leg, the. Realized they still needed to walk, so shoved this mess on me. The foot is much more like a hand if you notice."

Hunk became more interested and came to inspect her leg as well. "Man imagine if we had this technology on Earth, so many amputees could walk again," Hunk proclaimed. Always think about others that big guy was. "But the entire system looks to be intact, just a complete rushed mess. Then not to mention the entire shaper is more arm like than leg like, so the entire exterior needs to go. I think with the right tools we could give you a robotic leg that opefulky won't bleed. "He gave (Y/N) a bright smile, only to make her face light up.

" But first we've got to get it off, "Pidge broke the news, and all joy melted from her face. Only for a moment.

" Can you hand me a screw driver and wrench? " she asked for after locating something on her leg. Pidge oblidgeed but with a confused look on her face. She was given the tolls and quickly started doing something to her leg. I wasn't sure what, as her long hair fell over her face and sheiled her work. After her short work the leg fell into Pidge grasp, as she still had been inspecting it. "Don't loose these," (Y/N) told them as she handed them, what looked like, screws.

She had removed the leg from her body. All that was left was the base that had been stabbed into what was lef to her leg. You could see where all the wires would connect and how it is really connected to her. Not only around the edge, but in the middle as well. No wonder she didn't believe it could be removed.

"How are you gonna get around?" Hunk asked. None of us had thought that through.

"I'll hop" she shrugged nonchalantly. I smiled imagining her hopping around on one foot around the ship whistling as she went. She once again laughed to her self. "Now I know how Ed feels..." she mumbled under her breath.

"Who?" I asked, excited to she if she had remembered her family or someone important to her. She clocked her head to the side and shrugged. Must not have been enough to spark any memory.

Alura then came and held something infront of her; a set of crutches. "Or you could use these after I get that out of you," the princess said, glaring at the metal price jutting out of the Artesian's body.

(Y/N) hoped up and grabbed the crutches trying to make a get away. "No," she cried and as she hobbled away. She only made it to the hall before I came behind her, picked her up and brought her back into the medical room. I set the crutches out of her reach as Hunk and Pidge gathered their things and left.

Alura had already put (Y/N) under and she was sleeping on the table. "Do you know what you're doing?" I asked the princess, worried about my friend.

"No," Alura confessed, "Go get Coram for me, he has been trained to be a medic during battles." I wasn't sure why this surprised me, but it did. Either way he had more experience than the rest of us. Better odds for (Y/N). I couldn't loose her. She means more to me than she will ever know.

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