Chapter 9 - Bickering

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Shiro was training, but I didn't want to be too far away from him. So I decided to sit in the control room and just watch. "Oh Shiro's training," someone said from beside me, spooking me a bit. I almost fell out of the chair I was in. I took that as a good sign. I was no longer on edge to constantly have my powers on feeling out for engeries.

We both heard the doors opened and looked back to find Lance there. "There you are (Y/N)," he greeted me, doing something weird with his voice. "Hey Keith." The blue paladin walked right past the red and stopped infront of my view of Shiro. "Have you been told you look good in that dress?" He asked.

I leaned from side to side trying to see around him. "It's Alura's," I informed him, "and it's to big." I held up my arms, showing the excess sleeves falling past my hands.

"Lance leave her alone, she just wants to watch Shiro," Keith told the guy who was failing at flirting.

Lance glared at Keith, letting out a engaged gasp. "Oh its just fine if you're around her, but I can't be around her?" he questioned.

Lance luckily moved out of the way so I could se Shiro still sparing. Between battles he glanced up t me and saw who had come around. He gestured to see if I needed to come up there. I shook my head and gave him a thumbs up. With a smile he continued training. "I just got here," Keith explained, "I came to see if the training room was open, not to see if (Y/N) could chat." Yeah I could see how this could get annoying.

Before the two could get to far into the fight I felt I needed to step in. "Actually, I want to give Shiro a break, but I'm too scared to be alone. So could you guys stay with me?" I asked with pleading eye. It was sorta true. The only time I was part from Shiro was during the night, which was terrifying, and missions, which more just as if not more terrifying. There were probably thing he wanted or needed to do but haven't because I was with of.

"Of course pretty lady," Lance agreed, helping me up onto my crutches. I gave him a quick smile as thanks.

Keith was quick to rush over and help as well. "I don't trust you alone with her," Keith hiss at his fellow paladin, unaware I could hear him.

I steadied myself on my crutches and looked to the boys, hoping to stop a fight before it began. "So what do you do in your free time?" I asked them, sorta hoping I could see more of the castle.

"Train," Keith said bluntly. Lance scoffed at this confession, as if it wad the lamest thing ever. "Alright, how about we do what you want."

And that is how we ended up in a room that somehow had an earth gaming consol. Lance was busy playing away on a game he had long since started. It was actually sorta nice just watching someone else play the videogame. Even if I knew what he was doing was wrong. "Come on, you're doing it all wrong," Keith scolded Lance, and tried to grab the controller away from him.

I got a bit freaked out about how quick and heated this fight broke out. Needed to stop it before it got too hot to handle. "Hey do you ha e any multiply games?" I asked, thinking we could all play together. The two froze in there wrestling pose over the long forgotten controller.

Keith looked down at Lance for an answer. "Yeah," he said plainly. After getting it all set up we all sat down infront of the screen controls in hand. "I'm gonna take you down Keith," Lance said with competotive spirit. I was busy studying th controller, as it felt a bit familiar in my hands.

"Yeah right," Keith scoffed. I quickly just went into the game before the banter would turn into an argument. It was a battle game, where you wet eput up against your openent. In the game Lance went directly for Keith, and Keith went directly for Lance. While those two doubled it out I got a hang of the controls before joining the fray. Once I got a good understanding of the basic attacks I joined the fray.

I quickly did smashed the buttons, in a way that seemed familiar and somehow managed my ultimate move and threw both Keith and Lance off the stage. When both respawned they teamed up against me. They were yelling at eachother to try and take me down together. While I just sat there quietly clicking away on the controller without a care in the world.

Atthe end I had won, without even losing a life. "You had to have cheated," Keith declared, "You couldn't win with two against one."

I shrugged, keeping the controller in my sights. I thought possibly, I played videogame before, there was no way to tell if I continued to not have my memories.

"You set your character to be a computer when we weren't looking," Lance accused me of. I didn't care what the two thought I had did.

I turned and gave them both a smile. "That was fun, wanna play again?" They two looked at me dumbfounded.

"Winner gets the losers deserts," Lance declared as he started up the game. This time it was close, but Keith ended up winning our deserts. Jokes on him, it was just gonna be more space goo.

I was walking with Keith and Lance to the lounge, wanting to get out of the dark room. The two lagged behind so I could easily keep up on my crutches, something only Shiro had done for me. "There you are," the all familiar voice called from down the hall. Shiro rushed down to be at my side.

"Hey Shiro, we watched over (Y/N) for you," Lance informed his leader.

"Thanks guys, but you didn't need to," Shiro told the two with a greetful smile.

"Is the training room open?" Keith asked, and left before he even got an answer.

"I'm gonna go see what Hunk's up to," Lance also before taking his won departure.

This left me alone with Shiro in a comfortable silence. "I had asked them to stick with me, you had to be getting sick of me sticking around you," I explained.

Shiro reached over had brushed some hair out of my face that had been tickling my nose. I really needed to cut my hair. "I'm not getting sick of you," he assured me, "But I'm glad you're getting along with everyone else. We're all a team here."

I smiled at the thought that came to mind. "I hope one day I can be a helpful part of this team," I informed the black paladin and we both shared a smile for the hopes of the future.

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