The End Of It All

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I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud knocking on the front door. I was confused because we have a 8 foot gate and the only people who know the code are the people who live in this house. I slowly got out of my bed and cautiously walked down to the front door. My heart was racing and my breaths became rapid. It was really difficult to breathe and it felt like there were a thousand weights on my chest. I tried to call out for someone but I couldn't. I tried to scream but no noise was coming out of my mouth. My knees hit the floor and I lent on the front door, my vision was blurry and I was becoming more familiar with my eyelids. I could hear something racing down the stairs but it was too late. All I could see was black. I guess there are no 2nd chances for someone like me. I pray that god keeps me safe.

*Elton's point of view.*

I could feel circa nudging her head against my arm. I tried to push her away but she was persistent. I gave in, grabbed my phone and she dragged me down to the front door. There I saw Claire, lying motionless against the front door. I sprint to the door and screamed out to the rest of the house. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled 911. The ambulance was here within minutes and she was rushed to the hospital. The entire house were right behind the ambulance. When we arrived at the hospital, Claire was rushed into a part of the hospital that we weren't allowed into. We all awaited the news on Claire. When the doctor walked out to us with a clipboard and a sad face I knew that it couldn't be good. He said that there was nothing that they could do to save her. Tears started to stream down my face. I held Amanda close to me as the doctor went on. He explained that she died from a asthma attack, as well as the fact that she was extremely under weight.... I stopped the doctor from continuing cause I didn't want to hear the rest. I asked if we could go see her for the last time and he lead us to were she was lying on a bed lifeless. I blamed myself for everything that has happened to her and as I looked around tears were flooding from everyone's eyes. We all sat next to her for the rest of the night and I was praying that she would just wake up, she would speak, but she didn't. Her heart beat was flat lining. In the morning everyone left except for me, I blamed myself, for everything, no matter what. I knew that I could have done something for her but I didn't do anything. I just watched her suffer. I wish I could hear her laugh, see her smile, see her do her favourite skateboard tricks, hear her sing at the top of her lungs for just one more time. Amanda walked in to the room and tried to make me leave but she couldn't make me move. Even the doctors and nurses tried to make me move but I was staying here. I felt my phone ring in my pocket, it was my mom. She spoke to me for a while and was able to make me go home, because she knew that the longer that I stayed at the hospital, the more that I would blame myself for Claire's death. I arose from the chair and walked to my car. When I got in my car I plugged my phone in and Claire's favourite song began to play. 'Half the world away, by AURORA.' Thanks to that song playing tears streamed down my face. I played it on repeat all the way home and when I arrived home everyone was sitting in the kitchen in silence. I sat down on the floor next to Colby and I waited for someone to say something. We all sat in silence for a hour, no one said a thing, no one even moved. The thing is we don't know what to do know.

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