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When we pulled up to the front of the ER, I got out and waited for Elty to find a park. It took so long but he finally got back to where he dropped me off. We walked up to the front counter.
Nurse"Hello there how can I help?"
Elton" Hello, well my child fell of her skateboard and I believe that she has broken her wrist. Come show it to the nurse Claire."
Nurse" Oh my, Hey Claire haven't seen you here in a while.
Claire" Hey nurse Joy"
Nurse Joy"Oh that wrist looks pretty nasty. We will definitely need X-rays. Please fill out this form as Claire's new career and then we will get you in for some scans." Elton and I sat down and began filling out this pile of paperwork. It took at least 25 minutes before we completed it. When we handed it back we went right to the X-ray room.
Nurse Joy" Okay Claire we will do your X-ray and than we will complete the other test that we have to do."
Claire" Yeah I know and I know the amount of tests we have to do." With that statement, Elton was so confused on what I was talking about.
Elton" Sorry for asking but what tests exactly?"
Nurse Joy" Claire has to have tests to check her asthma, weight and other previous health problems. Now let's complete this X-ray" I sat on the chair next to the X-ray bed and waited for them to complete the dozen scans that they needed. When we were finished with the scans we were taken into this room and waited for almost half an hour. "OK Claire, so the X-ray's show that you do indeed have a broken wrist and you will need to have surgery to put it back in place. Now you have two choices you can either be put under a general anesthetic or you can be awake on laughing gas when we move your wrist back into place."
Claire" Well I don't wanna be awake when you do this so just put me under the general anaesthetic. But I will have to be kept here overnight don't I?"
Nurse Joy" Yes Claire that is correct you will need to stay here overnight so we can keep an eye on you as well as completing those extra checks."
Elton" May I ask, what is the earliest time that the surgery will be able to be completed?"
Nurse Joy" Well the surgeon will be able to complete this surgery in about 20 minuets, he is just finishing up with another surgery now." When it was time to go in to the operation room, I began to have an anxiety attack. They were forced to postpone the surgery until my breathing levelled and everything was back to normal. "Okay Claire, are you sure that you are all good. if not we are able to postpone the surgery till tomorrow."
Claire" No I am all good we are able to do this surgery." They slowly wheeled me back towards the operation room. The walls and hallways reminds me of all the times that I have been admitted into hospital. I took one last deep breath and went to sleep.

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