Chapter 2

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The next morning I found myself alone in my bed but I did find a long black box sitting on the pillow Teddy was laying on. I smiled because I knew Teddy left me something for my 17th birthday today. I opened up the box and saw a piece of paper instead of a necklace like I thought would be in here. I opened up the note and read it in my head.

Dear Victoria,

I can't believe you're 17 today girlfriend but I really can't believe you're finally mine. I know you were expecting something big but you'll get it at your party tonight with the rest of your gifts.

Happy birthday big head.

I smiled and ran downstairs because I knew Daddy was home and I could smell breakfast cooking. "Happy birthday!" E.J. yelled running as fast as he could out of his room. He followed me all of the way down the steps and grabbed on to my arm once we got to the landing of the steps. "Happy birthday," He smiled, showing off his teeth that were missing.

"Thanks E.J."

"I got you a gift," He said lifting up his shirt. He pulled a card he drew out of his pants and handed it to me.

I laughed. "Thank you," I said opening it up. The outside of the card said 'Happy Birthday' in his jagged hand writing but the inside was a picture of everybody in the family. Daddy and Mama were all of the way on the left side holding hands with a heart in between the two of them, then Deonte, then me and then E.J. with a dog. "We don't have a dog E.J."

"I know but I want one. Mommy made you breakfast," He said taking me into the kitchen.

Mama was standing over the stove while Daddy and Deonte sat at the table eating the food she was making. "Is that the birthday girl?" Daddy asked turning around.

I smiled. "Hey Daddy," I said, kissing his cheek. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Happy birthday."

"Yeah, happy birthday ugly," Deonte replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Wow, thanks." 

"Come out here with me Victoria," Mama said walking out of the kitchen.

I sucked my teeth and followed behind her even though I knew she was going to have something rude to say like always. I guess the two of us were just going through a phase in our relationship but we can't stand to be around each other longer than 10 minutes without fighting anymore but it's different with Daddy and I. I can spend hours talking and laughing with him.

I followed her to the den and saw all of my gifts. I smiled and tried walking inside but she blocked me from getting in. "No. You're going to wait here and let me talk to you."

I sighed. "What's going on?" I asked.

"I know you had Theodore over last night. What were y'all doing?" She asked.

I shook my head. "We weren't doing anything last night. He was just laying with me, that's all."

She raised her eyebrow because I knew she didn't believe me. "That's all the two of you did? Are you two sleeping together?"

"No! I've never slept with Teddy before. I mean, we're together but that's it."

"Since when were thw two of you together?" She asked.

"Since last night when he came over. I promise you I didn't sleep with Teddy last night or any other night," I replied.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not."

"Because if you get pregnant you're getting out of this house. I can't take care of you and your baby," She said.

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