Chapter 7

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I stepped into Ms. Marshall's class late like always with some of my guys. I didn't bother listening to what Victoria had been telling me for months and I really didn't care about the stupid fight we had a few days ago at her house. All she needed was a little bit of time to clear her head because obviously she was tripping. I don't know what's wrong with her but I refuse to let her try to control me, the same way her parents control her.

"You're late," Ms. Marshall said, never looking up from her computer.

I ignored her sly comment and went to sit up front with Victoria, who was deep in her work like always. I took my seat next to her but when she caught a glance of me she looked away from me. I sighed and scooted my desk closer to hers.

"Can you calm down? I mean, I haven't talked to you since last week. How long are you going to ignore me?" I asked. She scoffed but continued silently at her work as if I didn't say anything to her. I sighed. "You know what, I'm not even going to deal with your attitude today Victoria. You've got problems of your own to deal with."

I hopped up and walked to the back of the room where people like me should be. Victoria is an over achiever, she's always been but I'm nothing like her. I know how far I'll go in school, and getting my diploma is it. Damn, I don't even know how long I'll be able to do finish my Junior year. Everything's just so hard and it's only January, we haven't even taken our ACT yet. 

I chilled in the back of the room for the rest of the hour with my friends, just watching Victoria as Ms. Marshall entertained her. All of the teachers in the school didn't get excited when we got a new student, only because they thought she'd be like the rest, but Victoria was the complete opposite of what they expected. She was studious, she wanted to learn, unlike the rest of us so all of the teachers immediately fell in love with her.

The door opened up half way through class and in walked Keenon, who I hadn't seen since our fight last Wednesday. It's Monday, so he's been gone for a pretty long time but it's none of my business. He was probably out raising his daughter or slangin' dope like the rest of the guys around the city, since that's the only thing they all know how to do.

He glared at me as he walked to through the classroom to his usual seat but he took a detour. Once he saw me not sitting next to Victoria he seized the opportunity and plopped down next to her, making sure he was as close as possible. I balled my hands into fists when she turned away from the board and absorbed the attention he was showing her. I just hope she won't be too stupid to fall for it.

 "Victoria!" I called out, loud enough for Ms. Marshall to look up from her desk. I heard Victoria scoff before turning around to me. "Come here," I waved her over to me but she didn't move. She rolled her eyes and turned back to Keenon, who I knew was feeling happy about Victoria dissing me in front of the class. "Fuck this," I mumbled, hoping up from my seat.

I wasn't going to let Victoria embarrass me in front of the class, especially for Keenon. She was only one of numerous girls he'd be showing attention to today, so she was no different from the rest. The only difference with her was that she actually had a good guy behind her and hopefully won't be as easy to bust it open for him. I pulled out the chair next to her and sat down as closely as I could next to her.

Victoria looked over at me out of the corner of her eye before turning back to Keenon. "Is this your hair?" He asked, pulling on one of the springy curls on her head. "Or did you buy it?"

She smiled. "It's all mine," She said as she placed her hand on his arm. "Did your tattoo's hurt?"

He shook his head. "Nah. I've got more though, you just never see them."

In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now