Chapter 11

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I closed the door to my bedroom and stood against it, waiting on Mama to say something to me. I know Teddy told me not to get involved but I can't just let Hazel get hurt when I know what's going on and can help her out.

"So, what's going on?" Mama asked as she made herself comfortable on her bed. 

"Well, I have this friend who knows about this really close friend of hers who she thinks is getting beat. She doesn't know by who, but she found her in school one day with bruises all over her body," I explained. "What should I do?"

"Well, is this friend you?"

I bit my lip and hesitated before quickly shaking my head, no. "No. It's not me."

"Well, I think this friend of hers should grow some balls and say something to her close friend. That wouldn't be any close friend of hers if she wasn't willing to help. And I know if I was in the same situation, and I was the one getting beat and my friend knew about it, there'd be no way in hell I'd talk to the person afterwards. They know what's going on but won't help."

"I want to help her!" I exclaimed.

Mama smirked. "So, you're the friend?"

I sighed. "Mama, please stop."

She laughed. "What? I just want to know the full story baby, that's all," She said, still smiling like she had something else up her sleeve she was about to expose. "You can continue with your story now."

I sucked my teeth because I knew she was going to interrupt me with more of her foolery again. "Anyways, what should I do? I want to help but then I don't want to get myself involved in something that doesn't concern me. But I know if I don't help, something bad could happen to the girl and I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen."

"So, you are the friend?" Mama laughed.

I sighed. "Mama, please be serious for two seconds. What if the girl really gets hurt?"

"Honestly, if you're that concerned about the little girl go have a talk with her. You don't have to talk about what you know or even hint around it, just make sure she knows that you're going to be there for her if something does go down," She replied, finally being serious. "But just because you're there for her doesn't mean you have to go chasing danger. I don't want you getting hurt because you want to be helpful. If something happens just get an adult."

I rolled my eyes. "Mama I"m 17 years old."

"I know how old you are. I gave birth to you!" She exclaimed.

"I know, I was there," I added but she waved me off. "What do you want me to do about this?"

"Like I said before, just let the girl know you're there and don't be too nosy. If she really needs help then she'll come to you or an adult but if you see things getting worse tell me," She said. "Do you understand?"

I nodded my head, yes. "Yeah, I understand."

"Good, so what are you going to wear tonight for your date?" She smiled. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, probably these sweats and this t-shirt. I'm not trying to get all dressed up. It's just Teddy."

She took a deep breath before lying back on my bed. "Oh my gosh! What have I taught you? Never go out looking like that."

"We're not going out Mother. It's a date inside of the house and we're just going to be watching movies and eating. It's not even that serious," I explained.

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