Chapter 15

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Mama closed the bathroom door behind herself and looked up at me. "I know you know what's going on with Hazel."

"Mama, I don't," I lied.

"Don't lie to me Victoria," she replied. "If Hazel doesn't tell the truth, I expect you to. Do you know how serious this is? Don't play around little girl."

"I'm not Mama. Can we go now? Please?"

"Yes we can go but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. All of this lying and shit you've been doing is really starting to bug me."

I sighed, "I'm not lying to you."

"Whatever, we need to have a little talk when we get home. We can eat pizza and watch movies and catch up."

"Alright, once we leave here?" I asked.

"Yeah, come on we need to get out thee and see what's going on. I can't believe Hazel just disappeared like that and her parents are just now her parents are starting to look for her. The girls' been gone for over a week and they're just now looking for her," Mama shook her head. 

I scrunched up my face, "What? I thought the Amber Alert had been out for a while and you guys just decided to say something about it."

"No. They called us last night claiming they haven't seen her in days and finally put out an Amber Alert. I don't know what the hell they've been thinking, but I'll be damned if I let you out of the house without knowing where you're going, and for days at that with no communication from you at all? I'd beat your ass if you ever pulled some shit like this," she said. 

"Yeah, it's just kind of crazy how they haven't done anything," I replied. I knew I was wrong for lying to my Mom about switching schools and claiming like I didn't but I had to agree with Mama, or else she'd get suspicious about me.

"Whatever, it's none of my business to talk about how they raise their child."

Mama pulled the door open and let me go out the bathroom first. I walked up the steps and down the long hallway to the living room where everybody was at discussing Hazel's disappearance. I don't know why her parents wouldn't start looking for her or even put out an Amber Alert sooner, since she wasn't coming home. I just always assumed there was one out, since her parents didn't seem so concerned about the whole situation.

I slid on to the couch next to Daddy, who was just like Uncle J, Hazel's Father, just trying to get to the bottom of this. 

"So, you're telling us that while you were at school, somebody just swooped you up?" Dawn, her Mother asked.

Hazel nodded her head while tear streamed down her red cheeks. "Yes. I was so helpless."

"And nobody else was there?" Uncle J asked.

"No, I told you guys that before," Hazel said as she starred directly at me. "I was walking out of the building late when somebody just grabbed me and dragged me into their car. I tried to fight back but I hit my head and passed up. Then when I woke up, I was in this abandoned house."

Mama sighed, "Well do you at least remember the face of the person who saw you? Was it a girl or a guy? What was their race?"

"I-I never saw his face," Hazel lied. "But I knew it was a guy because of his voice."

I sighed and looked down into my lap. I knew Hazel didn't want to answer any questions about what happened with her and Rodney, but I refuse to participate in this lie she's telling her parents. I get she might love Rodney but I could never love somebody who puts their hands on me. I'd be so quick to put him behind bars if I were her.

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