Chapter 1: Legends and Prophecies

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Jasmine whipped around to see who was behind them, and realized that it was the entire team—the team that she only thought existed on her television screen. The person who had spoken was none other than Sara Lance.

Rip sighed once more and walked out onto the bridge, where the rest of the team was. Jasmine decided to follow and leaned against a wall.

"Better start talking Rip, I'm getting impatient," Jasmine warned, looking up from her fingernails. "I don't think you want to see what happens if you upset me."

"I know very well what you're capable of, Miss Robinson. Now if—," Unfortunately for Rip, he didn't have the opportunity to finish his question.

"And what exactly are you capable of?" Jax interrupted, raising an eyebrow at Jasmine.

"And how the hell do you know?" Jasmine asked Rip, giving him a side-eye. Rip didn't respond, not wanting to do this in front of the entire team. Jasmine turned around to face Jax.

"That's on a need-to-know basis, Jax. And you don't need to know," she sassed, her eyes narrowing. Jasmine realized her mistake as soon as she said it and hoped that he wouldn't notice, but her hopes were quickly destroyed.

"How did you know my name?" Jax asked, even more suspicious than before. Every pair of eyes, besides Rip's, were on her, and she felt like she was being crushed by the sheer force of it. Jasmine stayed silent for a moment, trying to figure out what to say.

"I know all of your names," she finally admitted, looking up at them. "Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein, AKA Firestorm," she said, nodding at the duo. "Leonard Snart and Mick Rory, Captain Cold and Heatwave," she added, gesturing to them. "Ray Palmer AKA The Atom, Sara Lance or White Canary, Amaya Jiwe or Vixen, Nate Heywood or Citizen Steel, and last but not least, Rip Hunter." The two criminals pointed their guns at her once more, and Rip just walked back to his office, giving up. He knew that the Legends were going to do whatever they wanted and that there was no stopping them.

"How do you know so much about us?" Nate asked suspiciously before the criminal duo could. She knew he could easily steel up in a moment and was not eager for that to happen.

"Look, I didn't come here to fight," Jasmine said, raising her hands. "In fact, I don't know how I came here. But I know your names because where I'm from, you guys aren't real. You're comic book characters, and there's a TV show called "Legends of Tomorrow" with all of you in it." They all just looked at her for a moment, not saying anything. Eventually, Sara replied.

"Gideon, is this true?" she warily asked the AI.

"Yes, Ms. Lance," Gideon replied. "According to my records, Ms. Robinson is from Earth-33, where superheroes and villains are currently quite popular. Along with a television drama about you all, there is one about Supergirl, The Flash, and the Green Arrow. While the majority of the plotline accurately relates your journeys, it does have a few inaccuracies." Leonard and Mick lowered their guns once more, but they were still skeptical, as was the rest of the team.

"How exactly did someone from Earth-33 end up here, of all places?" Stein asked, voicing what out loud what everyone else was thinking.

"Like I said, I have no idea," Jasmine replied, tired of having to repeat herself. "One moment I was hiding in my closet and the next thing I knew, I was here."

"Why were you in your closet?" Amaya asked. Mick made a comment to Leonard and they both smirked at each other, while Sara overheard Mick and slapped him for his remark.

"Because I was trying to avoid being shot," Jasmine sassed. "I'm wanted by the government." She looked over at Leonard and Mick, whose interest had significantly increased. "And before you two get your hopes up, no, I'm not a criminal by choice. I'm just not completely human."

"So you're a meta," Ray responded, more of a statement than a question. She shook her head.

"No," she responded curtly. "On my Earth, we don't have metas. There are some people that, for one reason or another, have powers, but they keep a low profile. The CIA and FBI are notoriously known for kidnapping people with powers and treating them like lab rats." Her hand was trembling— she hated thinking about the whole idea. It only reminded her what could happen to her any day now.

"So you have powers," Leonard stated in his usual drawl. "Care to show us?" he asked sarcastically. She vigorously shook her head no.

"Hell no," she responded, surprising everyone with her bluntness. "I never use them, unless it's a life or death scenario. I don't want them to find me by tracking my powers." She turned around and walked back to Rip's office, wishing that there was a door. Rip noticed her discomfort and signaled for the team to leave, which to his surprise, they did. Jasmine was sitting in a chair across from Rip, and a combination of curiosity and fear presented itself in her eyes.

"Now are you going to tell me what exactly is going on here?" she asked the captain, her voice scarily calm. She was freaking out on the inside and knew that if she couldn't get a grip, there was a good chance that she'd use her powers. That was the last thing she wanted.

"Yes, of course. There's a prophecy. It's been passed down by the Time Masters for years, and there was a time where everyone believed in it. But after centuries passed and it never came true, it was deemed a myth. But I had a feeling that said otherwise. Obviously I was correct, based on the fact that you're here."

"What exactly does this prophecy say?" Jasmine replied, her arms crossed and her eyebrows raised. She was quickly becoming impatient.

"It's an ancient and confusing prophecy, but in summary, it states that one day there will be an evil greater than the world, and time itself, have ever known. I used to believe that it was Vandal Savage, but I soon realized that this could not be true, for the prophecy also states that the only way that this evil could be defeated is through its doppelgänger, of which there was none." She held up her hand to stop him from continuing.

"So you're saying that my doppelgänger is some sort of evil genius and is going to try to take over the world or something, and I'm the only one who can stop her?" she asked incredulously. She shook her head in disbelief while he nodded.

"There's no way that's real," she continued, giving him a look. "This sounds too much like Season 1 of your TV show, where Kendra and Carter are the only ones who can kill Savage. Things like that don't happen in real life, at least not to me." Rip shook his head; he could hardly believe how naive she was.

"You have so much to learn, Ms. Robinson," Rip stated. "The world is full of many surprises, many more than you think. But I can ensure you that this whole ordeal is significantly more complicated and a greater concern than Vandal Savage, and does, in fact, exist," Jasmine raised an eyebrow at him, not bothering to say anything in response. While the whole situation still sounded fake to her, she realized that this was reality to these people, and that this was a life or death matter. She sighed, knowing what she had to do and not necessarily agreeing with it.

"What exactly are we up against and how do we kill her?"

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