Chapter 7: Complications

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Jasmine had found Amaya and was finally able to calm down enough to make her totem stop glowing. But with each passing day, Jasmine's powers grew stronger. She loved being on the Waverider, but she was longing to go on a mission so she could use her powers more.

Everyone had been watching Jasmine with keen fascination—they almost couldn't believe how far she'd come in so little time. She came onto the ship terrified out of her mind that the government would find her, and now that was the last thing on her mind. She had bigger problems now: she had to defeat the Earth-1 version of herself.

Between her training sessions, she had been spending most of her time alone in the library. While she did wish she got to hang out with the team more—she even started to miss the two malcontents, to her surprise—she had to learn as much as she could about her doppelgänger. In fact, Jasmine was in the library doing research when someone walked in. She briefly glanced up, expecting it to be Nate, but it was Ray. She let out a sigh of relief, glad it wasn't Leonard or Mick. If it were them, she knew she wouldn't be able to shut them up so she could get stuff done.

"What's up Ray?" she asked, finally turning away from her research.

"Just wanted to check on you. You've been down here for hours," he pointed out.

"Hey, you should be happy that I'm down here being a good little girl instead of transforming into wild animals," she said playfully, causing Ray to let out a small laugh. "And it's really been that long?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Jaz, it's 11 pm. None of us have seen you all day," he said, sounding concerned. "In fact, we've barely seen you at all these past few days." Jasmine shook her hand as if to wave off his concerns.

"I've been busy," she stated calmly, trying to
get him off her back. "I'm fine, I promise. No need to worry about me," she said, but Ray didn't look too convinced. To be honest, Jasmine wasn't sure that she was convincing herself.

Ray looked at the screens in front of the teenager and quickly realized what she was doing. "So you're trying to figure out what the weaknesses are of your doppelgänger," he remarked.

"Yes," she said with a sigh, "but I haven't found much about her and Rip won't say anything that makes sense. From what I've found, she doesn't have any powers but she is one hell of an assassin, despite the fact that she's 17."

"Where is she from?"

"Star City," she said, "Why're you wondering?"

"If she's an assassin, it's possible that she has a criminal record," he pointed out. "I'll send a message to my friend Felicity and see if she can find anything."

"Thank you," she replied, feeling a bit relieved, but not by much. "Even if we do get more info, there's still not much that we can do. Rip said that she was able to breach the Time Masters' security—back when they existed—and she stole a time ship. But she managed to cut off all systems so she's untraceable, so no one knows where she is or what the hell she's doing," she said with an exasperated sigh. "Do you think you'd be able to track her?"

"I'll see what I can do," he responded, giving her a nod. "Don't stay up too late, alright?" he said, giving her a concerned look. "You might be superhuman, but you need to rest."

"I will soon," she reassured him, although that was not her intention at all. "Goodnight Ray."

"Goodnight Jaz."
The next morning, Jasmine woke up to the sound of someone shouting her name.

"What?" she asked groggily, opening her eyes slightly. She felt a sharp pain in her neck and then realized that she must have fallen asleep while doing research. Damn.

"Sleeping Beauty is finally up," Snart teased. She shot up in alarm as soon as she heard his voice.

"What do you want Leonard?" she tried to ask aggressively, but all that she could manage was groggy.

"What makes you think that I want something?" he said, a smirk plastered on his face. Jasmine was so tempted to slap that stupid expression off of him, but resisted the urge.

"I'm not in the mood for your games, Leonard," she said tiredly, sending him a bored expression. "Either you tell me what you want or you leave me alone so I can go back to sleep."

Leonard watched her for a moment before continuing.

"Gideon located an anachronism in the Old West and Rip wants the whole team on it." Jasmine just glanced at him and laughed.

"Rip actually wants to send you guys out into the Old West? Please! We both know that every time that's happened it's never ended well. Bar fights, shootouts, kidnapping, the whole guy with the messed up face...." She paused for a moment in thought. "Okay now that I think about it, besides the creepy looking guy, I can see why you would love the West. But I think I'll enjoy it from in here, thank you very much," she stated before trying to go back to sleep. But Leonard Snart wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Jasmine we can do this the easy way, or the hard way," he pointed out, pretending to be in deep thought. "It's your choice."

"Well I've never heard that one before," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at him. "And why do you care anyway? It's not like you need me."

"No, we don't," Leonard responded brutally honest, his face and voice completely devoid of emotion. "But if you're going to have to save the world, you need to prove that you have what it takes. You need more field experience." Jasmine sighed, figuring as much. Although a part of her had been waiting for this moment, she was terrified. Now that she knew that her doppelgänger could also travel through time, she could show up anywhere. At any time.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to convince the stone cold criminal that she didn't need to go, she glared at him and trudged toward the fabrication room, him grinning behind her.

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