Chapter 3: Transformation

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"Then why are you here?" Jasmine retorted, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. Amaya sighed and sat down on the floor, motioning for Jasmine to join her. She did, although somewhat reluctantly.

"Before you even think about trying to coax me to tell you what my powers are or coerce me to use them, you should leave. Because if that's what you're here for, I'm sorry to say that you're going to be disappointed," Jasmine said darkly. Her face was stone cold and her voice was practically expressionless.

"That's not why I'm here," Amaya responded gently. "I'm here to help you."

"Help me do what, Amaya?" she asked tiredly. "There's nothing you can do for me."

"That's where you're wrong, Jasmine," she said softly, looking over at the teenage. "I know what your powers are. You're a shapeshifter."

Jasmine immediately froze in place, absolutely shocked by her comment. Her head was spinning and whirring with dozens of questions. How was Amaya able to figure out what her powers were? Had she told the rest of the team? And if she could figure it out and Jasmine hadn't even used her powers, how long would it be until the government could track Jasmine down?

The look on her face was enough to confirm what Amaya had already known.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice the totem?" Amaya pointed out, gesturing to Jasmine's necklace. "But don't worry, Jasmine," she quickly added, wanting to calm her down. "I'm not going to tell the rest of the team—that's none of my business. But I do want to help you."

Jasmine looked down at her necklace and blushed—she had almost forgotten that it was there. "This.. totem... doesn't give me my powers like it gives you yours," she said quietly, suddenly embarrassed. "It helps me control them."

"And by control, you mean keep you from using them," Amaya replied. Jasmine nodded, surprised that she had known that.

"How did you know that?" she asked suspiciously, her eyes narrowing.

"This totem acts in mysterious ways," Amaya replied, starting to fiddle with it. "Which I'm sure you already knew, and you probably know that it lets me take on the spirit of other animals. But it also allows me to sense and communicate with other animals and their spirits, like yours."

"There's no way you could sense me," she responded dubiously, shaking her head. "I haven't transformed into anything for more than an hour in years."

"You'd be surprised at what I can do," Amaya responded, sending the girl a smile. "Now please, Jasmine. Let me help you. Trapping the animal inside you is only going to hurt you." Jasmine shook her head once more.

"Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I can't. The more I use them, the easier it is for them to find me. Besides, bad things will happen if I take this totem off," she added, being as stubborn as usual.

"Jasmine," Amaya said softly, looking directly into her eyes. "They're not going to find you, okay? They're not. And if they do, you're not alone anymore. You have all of us, so you don't have a reason to be afraid," she added soothingly.

Jasmine didn't know why—maybe it was the pressure of having to save the world, or her doubt, or her fear, or maybe it was just the pain of resisting her abilities—but she broke down in tears. Although surprised, Amaya gently patted the girl's shoulder.

"I-I'm sc-scared, Amaya," Jasmine said in between sobs. "Scared of w-what's going to happen if I use my powers, b-but even m-more scared about w-what will happen if I d-don't," she admitted, her whole body shaking. Amaya pulled her close and wrapped her arms around her.

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