Chapter 2: Mind Games

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Jasmine had been on the Waverider for a couple days and despite their initial wariness, the team was finally warming up to her. This partially occurred because they hadn't been on missions since Jasmine arrived, meaning that they all had plenty of free time to grill her about her life.

Although she had given them a lot of information about herself, like how old she was and where she was from, they really wanted to know what her powers were, and no one was more interested in them than Leonard. No matter how many times he had tried to get her to talk about them, she refused. Only Rip and herself knew about her powers, and she was determined to keep it that way.

At the moment, Jasmine was in the bridge with Leonard, Mick, and Sara, and they were all playing cards. Unsurprisingly, the subject of her powers had been brought up once more.

"Assuming that the prophecy is true, you're going to have to use your powers at some point," Sara had pointed out. When Rip told everyone that Jasmine was going to stay for a while, he also told them about the prophecy. They weren't too keen in believing in this prophecy, which Jasmine found odd, considering all of the unbelievable things that they had seen and experienced. She just shook her head and sighed.

"First of all, we don't even know if it's real," she protested, although her instincts told her otherwise. "And even if it is, I don't need my powers. I can take care of myself without them," she sassed, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Yeah, that's how you ended up trapped in your closet in the first place," Leonard drawled, his voice ice cold.

"You hardly know anything about me Leonard," she spat, her eyes narrowing even more. "And to think that you were my favorite character on the show," Jasmine added in an undertone.

"Were?" he responded, raising an eyebrow. To her annoyance, he ignored her first comment.

"You died at the end of the Season 1," she admitted. Leonard raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"How'd I die?" he asked curiously.

"Did you guys ever destroy something called The Oculus?" she asked. All three nodded, but Mick was the one who responded.

"I burned that little device of the Time Idiots down a long time ago," he grunted. "What about it?"

"In the show, it blew up. But there was a fail safe so someone had to put their hand in it for it to blow up. Which was a bunch of bull because it could have easily been frozen or melted," she exclaimed, making the 3 adults laugh.

"What?" she added defensively. Leonard was sending her yet another smirk and Sara was giving her a knowing smile. Mick, on the other hand, was just drinking another beer from his 6 pack.

"It seems like someone was a bit attached to the show, and especially to Leonard," Sara pointed out, a mischievous grin on her face. Jasmine remained defensive.

"Says the one who kissed Leonard before he dies in the show," she sassed, immediately making both Leonard and Sara blush, while Mick snorted.

"So something did happen between them in real life, didn't it?" she asked Mick curiously, raising an eyebrow.

"They've got the hots for each other," Mick responded in between swigs. "Just look at them—it's disgusting." She glanced over at the pair and saw what Mick was referring to— although they weren't kissing, they were giving each other that one look that every couple gives each other—and she laughed. Leonard had ended his gaze at Sara and whipped his head back round.

"I just think you're jealous," he said with a smirk. "After all, you probably wish that you could be with your favorite character..."

"Gross! Absolutely not," she responded, blushing. "You're twice my age, a criminal, and a murderer—you're not really my type," she sassed, making the former assassin laugh.

"Why do you like the show?" Sara asked curiously. "You know, besides Leonard," she added with a smirk. Jasmine rolled her eyes at the last part but responded to her question anyway.

"It made me feel like there could be a time where I could freely use my powers, a time where I could actually make a difference instead of living in fear," she responded, looking down. "I know it's stupid, but at times it was the only reason why I still had hope." She started to get up and leave, since Leonard had just won the game anyway.

"I guess she's done," said Leonard, referring to Jasmine. "Want to play again, assassin?" To his surprise, Sara shook her head no.

"Maybe later. There's something I need to take care of." Sara swiftly stood up and walked towards Jasmine, who was in the hallway. Jasmine heard Sara's boots clicking against the floor and turned around, planning on telling Sara to leave her alone. 

"Maybe you can," Sara said gently. Jasmine just looked confused.

"Maybe I can what?"

"Maybe you can freely use your powers. You're on a different earth and traveling through time. There's no way they're going to find you," she responded softly. The teenager just shook her head no, looking hopeless.

"Just forget about it, alright?" she asked dejectedly. "They will find me Sara. Believing otherwise is futile."

"Bullshit," she stated nonchalantly, looking Jasmine directly in the eyes. "They're not going to find you. And if they do, I'll kill them myself." Jasmine looked back into Sara's eyes and saw how serious she was.

"You hardly even know me. Why would you protect me?"

"Because I protect my team, Jasmine. And believe it or not, you're a part of it now." Before she had a chance to respond, Gideon was telling everyone to meet Rip in the bridge. Jasmine was hoping it meant what she thought, and it did. Time for a mission.

Unfortunately she had to stay behind.  Although disappointed because she was dying to see a different time period, she wasn't surprised. However, she wasn't going to be alone as Amaya had stayed as well.

"Why are you here? I don't need a babysitter," Jasmine sassed.

"I know."

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