Chapter 5: Heritage

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While Jax and Nate had to take care of a side mission for Rip, Jasmine was stuck with the two criminals. Leonard and Mick clearly didn't trust Jasmine enough to go with them, but she forced them to deal with it.

She and the two criminals were sneaking into an Egyptian ball at the palace and they didn't have an invitation, meaning that they would have to steal one. Although the two men stuck out like a sore thumb, Jasmine had shapeshifted into an Egyptian priestess.

"You better not mess this up, princess," Leonard said coldly, giving her a look. Jasmine rolled her eyes in annoyance. Leonard was actually talking in Egyptian, as were his partner and Jasmine, due to ingestible translators from Gideon. 

"It's not like I've never stolen anything before Leonard," she hissed, receiving a look from Leonard that told her to continue. "I've stolen dozens of times. That's kind of what happens when you're a wanted person and have to do whatever it takes to survive," she sassed.

"Maybe you're not as useless as you look," Mick said, glancing over at her. Jasmine rolled her eyes.

"Mick, I'm a hell of a lot more useful than you'll ever know," she pointed out, smirking.

Suddenly she saw Leonard's hand move quickly but didn't see where it went. Before she realized what was happening, he had stealthily snatched an invitation from the person in front of them.

"I should just be glad that you didn't steal their wallet," she teased, quoting Ray from Season 1 in the show. She wondered whether or not he had actually done that in real life, and Leonard's amused expression confirmed it.

"Not this time, princess. But I got something much more valuable," he added with a smirk, revealing the gold bracelet that he had stolen off of the lady. Jasmine rolled her eyes, not at all surprised by his antics. She did; however, have a slight smile on her face.

"Let's do this," she said, the three finally approaching the palace. She was nervous, as expected, but she could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She was a shapeshifting human from another Earth who was destined to kill her evil doppelgänger in order to save the world—she could handle 2 annoying criminals and steal a bracelet. No problem.

"For all our sakes, I hope you two are as good at acting as you are at stealing things," she stated.

"Relax. We're professionals, sweetheart," Leonard said smoothly. Jasmine resisted the urge to snort.

"Give me the invitation and I'll show you how it's done," she challenged. Leonard raised an eyebrow in amusement but gave her the invitation anyway. A moment later, they had arrived at the palace gate.

"Invitation?" the guard asked in Egyptian, and Jasmine immediately handed over the parchment. The soldier warily looked over at Leonard and Mick. "And who are they?"

"They're family," she said, suddenly acting emotional. "Surely you already know the story?" Jasmine then made up some heart wrenching story about how her mother found both of them on the side of the street when she was traveling and saved them from starvation. The guard started to look uncomfortable, his cheeks turning red.

"Of course, madame. I'm so sorry for the delay. You and your guests may enter." Jasmine curtsied before walking in and wiping away her tears, sending a smirk to the two criminals.

"And that, boys, is what I call acting. You two should take notes," Jasmine teased.

"You're crazy," Mick remarked with a small shake of his head. "I like it." Jasmine smirked at him before turning to Leonard.

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