Chapter 1 - Interview

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Hi!! This is my first story so it'll probably suck but I hope you like it! Follow, vote, and comment, Fighting!

this book was written when i was 10 and 11 idk why ppl r still reading it it's not good at all and i'm too afraid to proof read it because of how much it makes me cringe but if you really wanna read it then go ahead but just know it SUCKS ok bye 🙌🙌

"Y/N" I heard some random guy call me to enter the room where I'm taking the interview. I walked inside and see my man hitman bang. "Hello sir, I'm Y/N" I said as I bowed.

"Welcome Y/N, tell me a bit about yourself and we'll get started"

"I'm from ____, I enjoy ______, and Ive been a big fan of BTS for ____ years." I said as I smiled. He asked questions like "What would you contribute?" "Have you token vocal lessons?" "Sing or Rap?" After a while, He smiled and told me to sing.

I nodded politely and sang. I decided to sing
Y/F/S (your favorite song) a while ago so that's what I'm singing.

Everyone in the room's eyes widened and they clapped. My cheeks were bright red from the attention. "That was wonderful Y/N! I'll see you later as I've got 50 more girls to go through!" He said laughing.

I walked out flustered. He liked it? They liked it? I unknowingly squealed causing stares.

*Time Skip*

"All right everyone, big hit staff, hitman, and BTS have made their decision." Oh cool it's that man who said my name earlier.

All the girls including me gathered around and looked at the man intensively.

"The 8th member of BTS is................ Lisa- oh wait shoot I'm wrong. Sorry" everyone whined and rolled their eyes at the guy. "The 8th member is..........oh shoot how do I say the name."


I widened my eyes. I was too (Jung)shook to speak or anything. " oh my gosh" was the only thing that came out of my mouth. "T-thank you" I finally stuttered out.

A while after that everyone left. It was time. TIME FOR ME TO MEET MY MANNSSSS.

Thank you so much for reading!
Let me know how it was and if you enjoyed in the comments, I will update tomorrow! 💖💖
Insta - @/donttouchjiminsfaceu


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