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I wake up to Logan on his phone scrolling through Instagram and me in his right grip. "Hey babe." He said in his sexy morning voice. "Hey, how long have you been up." I said "For about a half an hour" he said guessing. "Wow that's a long time. Why didn't you wake me." I said getting off the bed and going into the bathroom. "Well...because you were so peaceful didn't wanna wake you." He said pecking my lips and coming up to me. I started to take off my clothes and turn on the shower. Logan came in the shower with me. (No sex). I got on some sweats that I had at his house when I got multiple texts from my mom.

Mom:Hey honey I still wanna have lunch.
Mom:Whenever time is good for you is good for me.
Mom:You could invite your boyfriend or even friends.
Mya:Okay mom. I'm going to bring Logan if he wants to come. Calm down with the spamming.
Mya:He said he's gonna come don't be embarrassing.
Mom:I'm not embarrassing. Bye honey gtg.

"I'm going back to my apartment." I said getting out of bed with Logan pouting. "Why stay here pwease" He said begging. "Fine only for 30 minutes tho" I said laying back down and setting a timer for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes I got up and went to my apartment and got dressed into this~~~

 After 30 minutes I got up and went to my apartment and got dressed into this~~~

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And Logan got into this~~~

And we headed into the car

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And we headed into the car. We seen my mom and she said hi to Logan and I forgot to cover up my hickey that Logan caused. "What is that" My mom said.  "Mom I was sitting ok the ground and was getting up when I bumped my neck into a table. And it's a bruise or it could be from when I curled my hair yesterday. "Honey I already know is a hickey" she said with a disappointed look but looking at Logan really madly but keeping it in. "Mom I'm so sorry. It's from about a couple days ago or a week. I'm sorry." I said really sorry. My mom clears her throat. "Okay, Mya hickeys are trashy. And they don't tell men 'that you have a boyfriend' it just makes you look like something in the trash." She said strictly. A couple of tears came down my cheek Logan notices and wiped them. The food came and we ate. "Okay mom we had some good laughs. I think me and Logan are gonna go." I said about to when my mom grabbed my arm. "You better not give or receive hickeys. Because if you have hickeys you are a thot and a hoe." My mom said smiling. I quickly got up and tears started to some down. I started to feel angry so I gave Logan a hickey right in front of her. "Mya why. I just told you" she said. "Well I'm a women I'm old enough to do things I wanna do. And I'm not scared of you anyway." I said walking away.
We got home and Logan couldn't keep his hands off of me so he put me on the kitchen counter and he was kissing me and my neck sure to leave hickeys and me sending out little moans. I quickly pulled away and jumped down and walked him to my room he told me to jump and he carried me to our room and then all of a sudden he was taking my bra off when Evan walked in the door crying. "Oh sh*t I didn't know but Aria died" he said. "Omg Evan are you okay. Do you need anything" Logan said just leaving me there on the bad exposed. "Yeah, Evan are you okay. Can you just let me get ready for one sec." I said. "Yeah, Evan we'll be out in a second. Let's just get our clothes on" Logan said. "Logan why did you just leave me there like that" I said. "My friend was going through something" he said in a 'duh' tone. "Well I'm sorry if I was totally exposed and felt unwanted" I said hitting his shoulder with my shoulder and walking out while putting my shirt on. "Hey Evan are you okay. If you need anything I can really help you." I said sitting next to Evan and touching his arm. Seeing Logan get jealous. He came over and jumped on me. He started aggressively kissing me. "Logan stop" I said almost laughing. "Umm guys why here?" Evan said. Logan stopped and stood up and say on the other side of Evan. We just kept talking and soothing him. It was late me and Logan wanted to go to sleep. We headed up the stairs and went to our room. I started to undress because I was gonna sleep in my bra and panties. It was pretty hot. It was Calvin Klein. I got in bed and when Logan seen me he was on top and he got aroused and his friend was entertained. He slowly went in me until I was calling his name so loud that we barely heard Logan got tons of messages. Once we were done we were walking upstairs and I was wearing the shirt he was wearing earlier. All of his friends were there which gave me a memory of when we first met. "We all texted you" Johannes said winking at me. "Johannes that's my girl. I'm the only one who can make her moan so loud" he said looking at me. "Logan stop" I said hitting his arm. And everyone laughing while Logan was just smirking. I went back downstairs because I was really tired. I looked back and Logan had a grip around my waist.
I wake up so sore that I could barely walk. Logan must've been downstairs. I crawled downstairs and Logan and his friends were on the couch talking. And when they seen me the all started laughing. "Ya too sore now baby" He said and picked me up. He say me on gen counter and tried to kiss me and my neck but I told him no and got back on the ground and looked for stuff. And I just gave up. I crawled back up the stairs and laid in bed. Logan came in and tried to have sex again and I said no. "Okay guys I guess you were right I can't get her anymore" he said sad. "Logan come here" I said. He came over to me and I kisse Gina he started to straddle him I felt him get hard and got off of him. He tried to play it off and I started to rub him so he could get mad but he didn't. I was so posed he look like a tomato tho. He got on me and started taking off my clothes and I started to unbuckle his pants and then we smash. He walks out shirtless to show all of his hickeys all over his body that I left him. "Woah" all his friends said. "Yeah, well she really wanted me and she left a couple of things on me." He said. "LOGAN STOP ACTING NASTY" I said screaming. "At least I'm acting you are. Leaving all of these hickeys." He said. "Shut up and come in here" I said. "Round two guys you should probably go." He said. He came in grinding on me. "Round 2" we said at the same time. We smashed the second time and I was so so sore. I couldn't do anything Logan kissed me and I started to say 'ouch'. "Did I hurt you or are you sore or both" he said smirking. "Both" I said barely being able to move. Ayla walked in and touched me and of course I say ow or ouch. "What's going on are you okay" she then noticed the hickeys on Logan's chest. "Oh" "Yup I'm so sore. I need help. I might need to take a nap. Logan wanna come." I said in a tired and seductive voice. "Yeah, Round 3." He said smirking. "I may be sore but you know it." I said. "Okay imma go" Ayla said awkwardly. Me and Logan smashed for the 4th time. I wanted to take a nap so I did. I didn't wake up till the next day.
I'm not that sore and I'm waking up. I feel really sick so I start to throw up. Logan hears me and comes running and holds my hair back. "Babe are you okay" he said sincerely. "I feel really sick" I said gagging. Once I felt like I puked my guts out I got up and went to a store.

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