Meeting his Parents

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3 Months Later~
So Logan's already made all of the flights and stuff for us to fly out to Ohio. Me and Logan are excited and scared because we've been together for 1 and a half years but his parents may think it's too fast so I just am shaking Logan must've noticed because he held my hand. He eventually let my hand go because he was going to Vlog. "Hey Logang so I just wanted to tell you guys that Mya is pregnant and we are on a plane to Ohio to tell my parents. They'll know before you guys." Logan whispered to the camera. "Logan I thought we were telling your parents tomorrow night. And the vlog is going to be out before tomorrow night." I explained. "Oh umm I'll just cut it out" He said. "Okay Logan." I said chuckling.
Arriving in Ohio~
"Logan we're here!" I said excited because I love Pam and Greg. "Yeah, it's my big day!" Logan exclaimed. I just laughed at him. We got off the plane to see Pam there waiting vlogging I guessed. "Mom!" Logan yelled "Hey son!" She yelled. She hugged me first and then Logan. "Mom you were supposed to hug me first. I was your first kid." He said smirking while looking at me. "Well I just thought I would hug Mya first because 'GIRL POWER'" she said. "Yasss" I said laughing.
Arriving at Pam's House~
Pam opened the door and let me and Logan in first or tried. Logan quickly took the door from Pam and let me and Pam walk in first. "Logan your such a gentlemen." I said. I heard Logan whisper 'see that's when you know your gonna get some' I just started to giggle and I already had a plan. I was totally gonna tease him. "Logan come on let's go get settled in" I said. "Okay Mya" He said. We walked upstairs and I quickly pushed him against the wall. "Wow we just got here" he said. I just started to kiss his neck while he was just groaning. Then I felt his boner and I just quickly let him go and just started to unpack. "Mya why?" He said whining. "I heard what you said Logan you're not gonna get any" I said. "Ohh that's why. Well let's play. Revenge is on its way!" He rhymed. I just started to laugh. Damn I'm laughing a lot. "Ok Logan go and unpack. "I bent over to look through my suitcase that was on the floor and I felt eyes on my butt. I turned and Logan was zooming in on my butt with his camera. "Logan stop" I said standing and turning around. He stopped and I bent down to pick up my suit cause and he smacked my butt. I was mad so I just picked up my suitcase and brought it to the bed. Logan was getting his suitcase and was gonna put it on the bed next to mine so when he bent down I smacked his butt. He was so mad that he just left me in the room. I just started laughing. I walked downstairs with his phone and gave it to him and ran back up the stairs I got a text saying 'well played' it was from Logan. It was late so we just decided to go to sleep. Me and Logan took separate showers because he was still mad. "Logan I'm sorry are you still mad." I said laying in the bed. He just turned so his back was facing me. I just sat their and turned my back and I felt the bed dip I knew he turned around so I felt him about to wrap his arms around my waist until he smacked my butt. "No butt smack backs" he said quickly I just laughed and turned so our faces were facing each other. We shared a long kiss and I quickly started to straddle him and he just started to get excited. So what I did was I started to go down under the cover and pull down his pants and I sucked his d. I came back up and he was smiling and smirking. "Yes Logan?" I asked. "Mya you are amazing. But you swallowed." He said. I just started to laugh. "Why are you laughing I was your first swallow right?" He whispered. "Logan just go to  sleep. Goodnight" I said and tried to kiss him but he turned so I kissed his cheek. "Logan what's wrong?" I asked. "Well you just did what you did so I don't want that on my mouth till you brush your teeth. And also you've done it to other people!" He whisper shouted. "Okay Logan well goodnight." I turned and put my butt in his area. He started to get excited and I felt something go in my butt and I just almost screamed til Logan covered my mouth and I knew what was going down.
I woke up and Logan was cuddling into me. I remembered last night and went to go get ready. It was pretty funny thinking about it. Logan got up and came into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist and smacked my butt I almost spit all of my toothpaste out my mouth till I just spit it out in the sink after a few more brushes and Logan started doing the same I just wanted to get dressed and I don't want Logan to smack my butt so I sat on the floor and looked for an outfit I found one and I wore this one:

 Logan got up and came into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist and smacked my butt I almost spit all of my toothpaste out my mouth till I just spit it out in the sink after a few more brushes and Logan started doing the same I just ...

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I was kinda showing but I didn't want to show too much and I wasn't even that far along so I was good. When I was done Logan was literally drooling🤤🤤 over me. I started to blush. He started to make out with me and his mom walked in. "Oh uh sorry" she said walking out. "Oh uh no it's okay" I said walking out and giving her a hug. Me and Pam are so close. We walked downstairs. "So me and Logan are going to see Greg and we want you to come with us?" I asked as a question. "Sure!" She said enthusiastically. "Okay. I'm gonna see if Logan  is ready." I said as I tiptoed up the stairs I wanted to scare Logan. I heard Logan moaning so I creaked the door and seen him jerking off to one of my Instagram pictures in a bikini. I walked in. "Do you need some help?" I said. "Mya Umm" He said. I got on my knees and started to what I did last night and he was a moaning mess. He wasn't too loud but was loud enough that the next two rooms could hear us. Once we were done I said, "Logan you don't have to do these things you actually have me." I said walking into the bathroom making sure to brush my teeth and wash my face to make sure I have nothing on it. We walked out. "Oh and your mom said that she'll come to Greg's house." I said. "Okay" He said. We were walking down the stairs and we seen Pam in the kitchen so that's where we went. "Guys I'm not trying to make this awkward but you guys are loud maybe you should be quieter." She said. I looked red and so did Logan. "Okay that'll be noted." Logan said. I was just quiet. We got into the car and drove to Greg's house. Once we got there Greg was waiting outside. Pam got out and they just started to make out. Me and Logan looked at eachother. "What's going on?" Logan asked. "Me and your father are trying to restart things. And I'm not married anymore I divorced my old husband to start dating Greg." She explained. Logan was sooo happy. I walked in to see Erika and Jake and Tessa and Chance. I hugged Tessa and Erika and gave Jake a separate hug and Chance a separate hug. Logan looked jealous. "Whats wrong Logan are you okay?" I whispered. "No Mya do you like anyone else."He asked. "No. Why?" I asked. "Jake likes you and he was about to grab your butt before you pulled away." Logan said. "Okay Logan I'm having your baby I don't like anyone else. Okay baby." I explained. "Okay." He said.
Everyone gathered into the living room and Logan started talking first. "So guys we have a huge announcement!" He said smiling. "Okay so our announcement is" I said. "Mya is pregnant" Logan said. Everyone started 'awing' and clapping it was so nice. Everyone was trying to touch my stomach. I wasn't big so they were barely touching anything I was about 3 months. "Mya can I talk to you?" Pam and Greg asked. "Sure" I said. Logan came along. "Okay guys having a baby is not easy you chose to do this if you ever need help we can always try to help you guys, but we won't always be able to help so you guys need to know that it is serious. And you guys are already engaged so it's not too bad." Pam said. "Yea guys having kids is very hard and I wish you the best" Greg said. "Thank you so much for the advice and making a wonderful man." I said. "Aww your making me blush" Logan said. We walked away and walked towards Jake, Erika, Tessa, and Chance. I was surprised to see Tessa and Chance here together and where's Alex? I don't like Alex but where is she? "Hey guys" I said walking over. "Hey." I quickly pulled Erika and Tessa away for a sec. "Why are you here with Chance?" I asked Tessa. "I don't know. He's single now but I'm already into someone else." Tessa said. "Okay back to you now your pregnant omg I didn't expect that I thought it would be way later in life for you and Logan." Erika said. "Umm well me and Logan tried before and is miscarried so we tried again and now I'm pregnant so I expected this." I said. "Oh I'm so sorry. Umm Mya, Jake likes you!" Erika blurted out really loud that Logan grabbed me and held me so tight. And then he grabbed Jake and we walked up to his room here at Greg's house. "Jake what the heck" Logan yelled. Jake was just looking at my body. Logan noticed and he stood in front of me. And Jake just started to make up an excuse. "Dude its a prank calm down you know I'm a prankster." Jake lied while he came to give Logan a hug and smacked my butt and I smacked his face. "Jake that's so rude I am having you niece or nephew and you are thinking and touching me in that way." I said. Smh. We went back to Pam's house everyone was going even Greg so......
A/N~ Cliffhanger because this is a long chapter more than 1500 words so I am gonna make sure that the next chapter is really good. Also, you guys are going to have to imagine their proposing because I'm sooo lazy sorry!!!!

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