chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Heartfelt wish

Tang Fan, the Grand Master of TianXin sect has held this post for almost a hundred years. Under his leadership, TianXin sect is becoming more and more like a first class sect. Now it is regarded as the one most likely to become the leading sect in Long Xiao continent. Someone with this level of skill is surely not a simple man. In Lin Xiao's memory, even though Tang Fan is his Master, he is still a mystery. Even though Lin Xiao is his cherished Elder disciple, he still doesn't know what level of strength Tang Fan has. That's why most people have the impression that Tang Fan is like a fox, a wily old fox, enigmatic and impossible to predict.

Because he is afraid of Tang Fan, Lin Xiao has never dared to expose the tiniest bit of weakness in front of him. But most importantly, because TianXin sect is a first class sect of Long Xiao continent, its true strength is not something that is easily revealed. It's a pity that even someone like Lin Xiao is unable to find out the true strength of TianXin sect. 

That Tang Fan will summon him now is something Ling Xiao expected. Putting aside the huge change in his temperament, suddenly associating with a nobodyfrom Earth peak, just Tang YunQi running back complaining in tears is probably enough of a reason. In Lin Xiao's memory, Tang Fan is a doting father. Anything Tang YunQi wishes, as long as it is within acceptable limits, Tang Fan will surely help her achieve it. So, this time, Tang YunQi feeling slighted in front of everyone would definitely run crying to Tang Fan. 

"Elder brother, Grand Master is waiting for you inside." 

The Junior brother that brought him here leaves him outside the Assembly Hall. Ling Xiao looks over the grand exterior of the Assembly Hall. The plaque carrying the name is said to have been put up personally by Tang Fan. Appearing gentle on the surface, each stroke is actually incisive, with a cutting edge. It's just that it is deeply hidden. 

Pushing open the door and walking in, the vast Assembly Hall although not particularly sumptuous is extremely imposing. Two exquisitely carved chairs sit facing the entrance. On one of them sits a middle-aged man that appears to be about forty. 

The middle-aged man has kind brows and pleasant eyes. Upon seeing Ling Xiao, he reveals an amiable smile, "Lin Xiao, you're here. Come over to Master." 

Ling Xiao walks over expressionless, his lips slightly curving, "Master."

This greeting of Master is actually too high a praise for Tang Fan. According to his qualifications, Tang Fan is simply not worthy to be his Master. In fact, if you turn it around, Tang Fan is not even worthy of being his disciple. It's only that he is now playing the part of Lin Xiao, so he can only give Tang Fan this undeserved respect.

"Xiao son, it has been a long time since we master and disciple have had a heart to heart talk. Now that we have this rare time when we are both unoccupied, come sit. Let's have a talk." Tang Fan beams while looking at him.

Ling Xiao is not the tiniest bit reserved, taking the first seat below Tang Fan, "Master is right, we have not really talked for almost two years."

Tang Fan strokes his beard while nodding in satisfaction, "Xiao son, do you remember, the first time we talked, the time and the place?"

"Not many are able to enter Master's room. I still remember, the first time you looked for me was in the middle of the night. Such a distinctive move, only the honorable you is capable of that." 

A light smile appears on Ling Xiao's expressionless face, as if recalling something from memory, showing no chink in his armor. 

"People age, the ability to remember is also reduced greatly ah." Tang Fan sighs.

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