chapter 46

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Chapter 46

The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Unlucky You XiaoMo.

Everyone looks towards the direction of the voice and sees a handsome man stepping out from the crowd. The man's face is calm and collected with a chiseled outline. Even though he is rather expressionless, he still gives off an overwhelming force. A resplendent white robe with a string of green jade at his waist. At a glance, one would think of a noble rather than a martial artist. 

You XiaoMo follows behind Ling Xiao but he doesn't dare to walk up to the front. It's obvious that the bearded man is a martial artist. The muscles on his body are extraordinary. If not, Chen GaoYang would not be so helpless.

Without waiting for everyone to guess who Ling Xiao is, Tang YunQi and Chen GaoYang exclaim happily 'Elder brother'. At this moment, there is no longer any need for introduction. Everyone now knows that this is the beautiful girl's knight in shining armor. When they first heard them saying 'Elder brother', they had envisioned a fierce and strong skilled person. Never did it cross their mind that it would be some frivolous princely noble. 

"Elder brother, you must take revenge for me. They tore my clothes. Really too hateful!"

Seeing that her Elder brother has come, Tang YunQi is both surprised and elated. She quickly runs up to him complaining shamefully and furiously, her pretty face on the point of tears. Absolutely lovable and charming. 

Ling Xiao glances at her indifferently and frowns. 

Seeing the situation, You XiaoMo quickly takes out a set of clothes from his magic bag. Although the workmanship is nothing much, but it's still better than clothes that fail to cover the body. Furthermore, reputation is the most important thing for young maidens. Who would expect that his one act of kindness would be met with a glare from Tang YunQi. She then takes takes out a set of light yellow clothes from her own magic bag and puts them on. Looking on in a daze, You XiaoMo quietly puts his clothes back. If he had known that she has her own clothes, he would have minded his own business. But this woman is really strange. Since she had brought a set of clothes in her magic bag, why didn't she bring them out immediately? Really incomprehensible!

"So you're that Elder brother. You don't look like much. Little boy, I advise you to be sensible and leave right now. If not, you will be the next one lying on the ground." The bearded man looks Ling Xiao up and down. When he heard those two talking with such confidence before, he had thought that the so-called Elder brother would be a powerful formidable foe. Instead it's a pretty boy, immediately causing him to feel extreme disdain. 

"There's no hurry. Let me ask a question before leaving."

Ling Xiao slowly starts to smile, looking at the bearded man in amusement. 

"Elder brother?"

Tang YunQi's eyes pop out in disbelief at Ling Xiao. She thinks she must have misheard him. How could Elder brother withdraw from the field of battle?

"Looks like you know your place!" 

The bearded man snorts in satisfaction. He also thinks that Ling Xiao is really afraid of him and is preparing to slink away in shame. 

"How should I address you sir?" Ling Xiao asks casually looking completely relaxed. 

"I am Luo Shan. The cousin of the once in a hundred years rare talent of QingCheng sect Luo ShuHe. If you have any sense, you will leave behind the girl at your back. I may still leave you people some viable options." Luo Shan says with immense pride. 

Now everyone knows the reason why he dares to swagger through the streets. With the backing of QingCheng sect, no wonder he is so arrogant, snatching girls by force in the streets. 

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