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Chapter 52

The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Grand plan.

The appearance and disappearance of demons caused a sensation in Long Xiao continent. After that incident, You XiaoMo remained inside Earth Peak, so he doesn't know much about what is happening outside. But he hears some disciples discussing the matter. 

It is said that TianXin sect linked up with other sects to pressure QingCheng sect to account for what happened. After all, Luo Shan is indeed the nephew of the Grand Master of QingCheng sect. Furthermore, his transformation happened in front of many people. While the transformation took place, his facial features did not change much so that negates the rumor that it was an impostor of Luo Shan. 

The Grand Master of QingCheng sect, Luo ChengYuan also never considered that his own nephew could actually be a demon. But after a thorough investigation, a shocking secret is uncovered. 

Luo ChengYuan's younger brother, Luo ChengYun is Luo Shan's father. When he was young, he often left QingCheng sect to train and gather experience. The Luo ChengYun at that time could be considered a dashing and elegant handsome prince. His admirers could almost encircle twice of QingCheng sect's territory. It's just that Luo ChengYun didn't think much of them. 

But not even six months after leaving QingCheng sect to train, he encountered Luo Shan's mother. Luo Shan's mother is a half-demon. The so-called half-demons are offsprings between demons and martial artists. 

Because they still have human blood lineage, these type of people are usually called half-demons. The biggest difference between them and pure-blood demons is that half-demons look exactly like humans. Completely devoid of any demon outer characteristics. 

Because of this, although demons detest humans, in order to accomplish their grand plan, they will capture some humans to mate with low level demons. The offsprings are gathered and trained and when they reach a certain age, they will be sent to infiltrate the humans. 

Luo Shan's mother is just one of those spies dispatched to lie low among humans. Because Luo Shan's mother is very beautiful and also because her intellect is very high, she quickly attracted the attention of Luo ChengYun. 

Not long after, the both of them became caught up in the river of love, unable to extricate themselves. Soon they conceived Luo Shan. When the two of them got married, they did not notify Luo ChengYuan. Because of all sorts of complicated reasons, Luo ChengYuan only knows that his younger brother got married and that they have a plump and strong son called Luo Shan.

After getting married, Luo ChengYun planned to bring his wife and son back to QingCheng sect. It's on the way back that Luo ChengYun discovered his wife's true nature. The reason she got close to him was to infiltrate the inner core of QingCheng sect. In a fit of rage, Luo ChengYun and his wife fought to the death and both of them died that very night, leaving behind the son.

But according to eyewitnesses, the couple was a victim of a surprise attack, all of them died in the end. As for Luo Shan, he disappeared since that night. Some people said that he died. Others claim that he was picked up by passerbys. In short, the opinions are widely varied. 

The reality was, the newborn Luo Shan did not die, and he also wasn't stolen away. He was taken away by the associate of Luo ChengYun's wife because Luo Shan was even more suited to being a spy than his mother. Because he only has one quarter of the demon blood lineage, the probability of him transforming into a demon is not high, so the probability of him being found out is also not high. 

This was the plan that the demons had. So they brought Luo Shan back and trained him since young, planning to send him back to recognize his clan when he is older. So when Luo Shan turned ten, he was sent back to QingCheng sect. 

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