chapter 38

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传说之主的夫人 by 尹琊 Chapter 38

The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Formal disciple.

You XiaoMo enters behind Fang ChenLe. As they cross the courtyard, he sees a few magic herb plots. Of course there are more magic herbs in the magic herb gardens, but You XiaoMo stares at these because the magic herbs in the plots are all high level magic herbs. 

These high level magic herbs are those above level six. He read about them before so he recognizes them. But usually these are only needed by high level mages because low level and mid level mages are restricted by their level. Even if they have high level magic herbs, they are unable to refine any magic pills. But these high level magic herbs are only at the seedling stage, a long way from maturing. 

Upon entering, Fang ChenLe doesn't bring him to Kong Wen's room, but walks towards the backyard. After a few steps, a figure in blue is visible. That person has his back towards them, squatting next to a magic herb plot. He seems to be fiddling with some magic herb. 

You XiaoMo freezes for a moment. This person is Kong Wen but he clearly heard his voice coming from inside the room just a moment ago. 

"Master, I've brought him." Fang ChenLe says respectfully to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man wipes his hands and gets up. He turns around saying: "ChenLe, go ahead and help Master infuse a pot of tea. I have some things to discuss with your Little brother."

Fang ChenLe happily agrees. Before leaving he surreptitiously winks at You XiaoMo and mouths the word 'Congratulations'. You XiaoMo is puzzled. Why would Elder brother congratulate him? 

"Do you know what this magic herb is?"

After Fang ChenLe leaves, Kong Wen again turns towards the plot of magic herbs behind him. The first thing he asks is related to magic herbs. 

Although he did not call him by name, You XiaoMo knows that he is the one being asked. That's because he is the only one here. He cranes his neck to look at the magic herb at Kong Wen's feet. Luckily he has seen this magic herb in the books. After some thought, he names it. 

"If I remember correctly, this should be the level seven magic herb, Goldthorn herb." 

Goldthorn herb is just like its name implies. No matter the leaves or stems, they all appear golden. Every time the sun shines, the radiance of the goldthorn herb is very dazzling. Usually one would not be able to look directly at it at this time. But it is also the best time to identify the goldthorn herb. 

Luckily for You XiaoMo, he has been reading a lot these few days. Although there are not many level seven magic herbs in the books, there are simple descriptions of their characteristics. So with one look, You XiaoMo is able to identify it. As far as he knows, one that glitters so brightly is the goldthorn herb. Furthermore, since Kong Wen is a high level mage, his courtyard is mostly planted with high level magic herbs. Just like those few magic herb plots he saw when he came in. Putting these two things together, he guesses that it must be the goldthorn herb. 

Kong Wen nods in apparent satisfaction, "Not bad, even though you only entered the sect for less than a month, but you can already recognize the goldthorn herb. That's not easy. Furthermore, Master has already heard from Uncle Zhao from the Hall of Enchanted Herbs. He says that you are very diligent in refining magic pills. Even though your inborn talent is lacking, you have the will to improve. So Master has decided to receive you as a formal disciple!"

You XiaoMo is temporarily giddy from having being hit by the golden goose that fell from the sky. Kong Wen wants to accept him as a formal disciple? No wonder Elder brother congratulated him before leaving. Looks like this is the reason.

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