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Chapter 57

The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Mistakenly touched.

Ling Xiao doesn't bother with Tang YunQi that is looking at him expectantly, and simply walks up to You XiaoMo. 

You XiaoMo sees that he isn't saying anything while continuing to look at him and Elder brother. He hesitates before laughing uncomfortably and asking cautiously: "Elder brother Ling, why are you here?"

"What's the matter? Am I being a bother to your tender and loving time with your Elder brother?"

Ling Xiao raises his brow slightly.

Seeing his expression, You XiaoMo knows that he is angry but he doesn't know why. So he can only explain: "No, you misunderstand. Because it's my first time here, so Elder brother is taking me around to familiarize myself with the surroundings."

"Little brother." 

Ling Xiao suddenly smiles, walks over and intimately drapes his arm over his shoulder. 

You XiaoMo feels a little terrified, surreptitiously glancing at Ling Xiao's arm that is draped over his shoulder. What is he up to?

Ling Xiao looks at him and says warmly, "Next time you feel like taking a walk, tell me beforehand. Elder brother will personally go with you. It doesn't matter where you want to go, understand?"

You XiaoMo immediately nods his head like a chick pecking rice. That last word was said in a threatening tone. If he were to shake his head, it would be tantamount to seeking his own death. 

Ling Xiao nods in satisfaction, having no intention of removing the arm from his shoulder. 

At this time, everyone is already shocked speechless by their intimate actions. It seems Elder brother Lin Xiao has never been so close to anyone before. Not even with his own disciples. What more a disciple from Earth peak. 

Before this, some had thought that the rumors were partly false. But now, seeing with their own eyes, the reality is even more extreme than the rumors. 

The ones that suffered the biggest shock is not the people from Heaven peak but rather the few disciples that came with Ling Xiao. Each one of their jaws fall to the ground, looking at this scene unfolding in front of their eyes with horror. 

"Elder brother. This junior brother, can it be Earth peak's Uncle Kong's newest seventh disciple, You XiaoMo?"

A young man steps up from the crowd. It's Junior brother Zhou Peng that Ling Xiao met after returning to TianXin sect. The one that has absolute trust in Lin Xiao. 

As for the rumors about Elder brother and You XiaoMo, Zhou Peng had heard a little about it. He was worried that the latter got closer to Elder brother harboring ulterior motives so he sent people to look into it. Later, when he found out that he was only a probationary disciple, he figured that this person probably wouldn't be able to stir up great winds or huge waves so he simply put it aside. Right up to the time he heard news about his being accepted as Uncle Kong's disciple. 

Being accepted as the disciple by one of the three great mages of TianXin sect for no rhyme or reason, Zhou Peng feels that this You XiaoMo is most probably not an ordinary person. This rouses his suspicions again so he again asked around about him. But all the information he received is related to Elder brother. Thus Zhou Peng realizes that the way Elder brother treats him is not as simple as he imagined. 

Seeing that one speaking is Zhou Peng, Ling Xiao smiles, "Such a rare meeting, let me introduce all of you."

The other two Junior brothers can't help looking at each other. Elder brother is actually introducing him to them. Looks like he really thinks a lot of You XiaoMo.

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