chapter 31

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Chapter 31

The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Alchemical technique.

Although he is very angry that Ling Xiao ate his magic pill, it only lasts for a little while. Since he managed to refine that magic pill, he can just refine another one. What is regrettable is that he didn't manage to see how it is different from the others. 

Today, for the whole afternoon, You XiaoMo refines all the the three hundred stalks of magic herbs he got from the Hall of Enchanted Herbs. He did not waste a single minute. His speed is significantly faster than before. An important factor to this success is his proficiency gained from experience. But the most important factor is that for fifty of them, he only distilled them once. 

Before, it took him the time to brew half a cup of tea to refine one magic pill. Now, he can refine two level one magic pills in that time. So he can refine fifty magic pills in under two hours. Because of this huge decrease in time, he can use the remaining time to experiment on the magic pill that Ling Xiao ate.

That magic pill was distilled five times, the most he has ever done up till now. Usually, the most is not more than four times. But when he distilled five times, it was as if he used up all his soul force, only succeeding through sheer willpower. It's too bad that Ling Xiao ate it up before he could figure out how much the risk was reduced. So he can only console himself that it was only a level one magic pill. He can just find some time later to refine another one. 

"Little brother."

Just when he is immersed in his thoughts, Ling Xiao suddenly calls him. You XiaoMo's reaction is rather slow. He only realizes a moment later that Ling Xiao is calling him. He raises his head and looks at him with suspicious eyes. 

Ling Xiao thinks that Little brother is finally angry. But just when he is about to mock him, unexpectedly the resentful look on his face disappears after only a moment. It seems his ability to get right back up again is quite high. Really too amusing!

"Little brother. Next time don't overuse your soul force again." Ling Xiao suddenly says in all seriousness.

"Why?" You XiaoMo asks without thinking. 

"Because it is harmful to your soul. Overusing your soul force is equal to overusing your soul capacity. Furthermore, the soul is the essence of a person. No matter if it is an ordinary person or a mystic, when the soul is no more, you will disappear from this world. But for mages, this is even more critical." says Ling Xiao. 

"Why?" You XiaoMo dumbly asks again. He really never gave much thought to this issue. 

It may be recorded in the library, but there is a limit to how much content he can read. Regarding the soul force and the soul, he definitely did not come across anything on the first floor. 

"The soul force of a mage is not the same as the souls of martial artists. Your brothers should have told you that only mages have a soul force. So, if there is no soul force, then you lose the ability to refine magic pills. When you overuse your soul force, you indirectly damage your soul. Understand?"

Saying this, he raps You XiaoMo on the head and winks. It seems as if his serious demeanor a moment ago is just a facade. 

You XiaoMo blinks in pain while holding his head. He thinks to himself that he must not admit that he is not quite used to the serious Ling Xiao. If he does, wouldn't that mean that he is a masochist? Only a fool would admit to such a shameful thing. 

Ling Xiao beams saying: "But ....... the last pill you refined, the taste is really not bad oh."

You XiaoMo's scalp starts to tingle. He suddenly gets a bad premonition. 

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