chapter 45

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Chapter 45

The Legendary Master's Wife by Yin Ya

Bearded man.

The magic pill transaction concludes without a hitch. Furthermore, the price for these five bottles is even higher than the last time. Because the effect of the magic pill far exceeds that of ordinary level one magic pills, a few customers have indicated that one after another that they are willing to pay a high price after having tasted the sweetness. Although Long Xiao continent does not lack level one magic pills, in fact, it is more like there is a flood of it bordering on disaster, there is also an unending number of martial artists that have a need for magic pills. As long as there is a better option, they would rather pay a little more. 

The manager made use of the magic pills that You XiaoMo sold him the last time to boost his reputation so the shop now looks completely different. But because he didn't know when You XiaoMo would come again, he didn't dare to accept pre-orders. He only agreed to let them be the first to know if more is available. Now, even though there are only one hundred magic pills, it is enough for the shop manager. 

Because the selling price for these magic pills has doubled, the manager kindly gives You XiaoMo a higher price. In this way, this young man would most probably sell the magic pills to him ba. The manager is operating based on this assumption. After all, there is money to be earned and on top of that, the shop's reputation can be raised, who wouldn't want to do that ah? The only troublesome thing is that the surrounding shops have started to enquire about the origin of these magic pills.

You XiaoMo leaves the shop perfectly content with the two thousand pieces of gold that the manager had given him. This time the price for the magic pills increased by fifty percent. Fifteen gold pieces for one magic pill. One thousand five hundred gold pieces for one hundred magic pills. Add to that the ten over pieces of gold remaining from the last time, his entire wealth is more than that of a lot of TianXin sect disciples. Even disciples from slightly wealthy backgrounds do not have this much. 

Ling Xiao doesn't hinder his selling of magic pills. Seeing that the transaction is over, he leaves the medicine shop together with You XiaoMo. 

"Where to next?" Ling Xiao is not least bit impatient. His whole person is unreadable, not giving away any sign of what he is thinking. 

"Uh, Elder brother Ling, don't you also have something to take care of? If you keep following me, wouldn't that hold up your business?" 

You XiaoMo doesn't immediately answer his question. Instead he looks evasively in all directions, everywhere except at Ling Xiao. 

Ling Xiao smiles slightly, "There's no hold up. Furthermore, it is still early." 

You XiaoMo is crestfallen. After this, he wants to go buy magic herb seeds. But he definitely does not want Ling Xiao to go with him. Because usually only mages with medicine gardens will buy magic herb seeds. As for him, a newly minted level one mage, there is no reason to buy so many magic herb seeds. Obviously something is fishy. Someone as intelligent as Ling Xiao would definitely be able to tell. So when the time comes, he will undoubtedly question him. 

He had already predicted that Ling Xiao wouldn't abide by his wishes and leave. But he still maintained a glimmer of hope. In the end, Ling Xiao follows him to South street where they sell magic herbs. 

South street is less lively than North street but there a still quite a lot of people. A few of them are martial artists. Most of them are mages. 

Orchid pavilion is the magic herb shop that You XiaoMo visited the last time. When You XiaoMo walks over, the attendant that served him the last time seems to remember him. Seeing him come over, he warmly receives him and invites him in, of course not forgetting Ling Xiao that is by his side. In reality, the one that the attendant noticed right away was not You XiaoMo but Ling Xiao.

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