12. What Is It Now?✔

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Alana's POV

"Oh. ." I murmur, averting my eyes back to her. She was slightly taller than me, with bright blue eyes. "Why'd you guys break up?"

"She left his sorry ass to go to Africa."

"I thought you said Amsterdam?"

"Africa, Antarctica I don't really care." James shrugs.

"Aiden?" A voice gasps and he rolls his eyes.

"Jess?" He mocks his eyes snapping to hers and she pulls a chair, sitting next to us, in invited.

"Ew." Trina murmurs and I shoot her a warning look that said 'be nice'.

"How are you!" She asks too happily and he shrugs.

"I'm great." He purposefully grabs my hand, placing it on the table but she pretends not to notice.

"I can see that. Time has been good to you." She purrs and even I raise an eyebrow.

James just sneaks in a facepalm and Trina blinks.

"Uh. . I guess." He says. "How was Africa?" James chokes on his coke.

"Africa? I went to new Jersey silly." She giggles slapping his arm and I need a moment. I stand, kissing his cheek as he looks at me confused.

I step outside, and soon Trina is at my side.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yea." I answer in all truth and she nods.

"Not to startle you or anything but. . there's this man, staring at you very creepily." I look to her direction quickly to find my dad, standing across the road his finger pointed at me. My eyes go wide as a vehicle passes and he's no longer there.

"Isn't that the man that you called security on?" Trina asks urgently and I nod. "Then we have to tell Aiden!"

"No!" I grab her hand.

"Alana." She warns.

"T, I can handle it." She stares at me. "I can handle it." I assure her again and she sighs.

"You're just too stubborn." She ruffles my hair and we get back into the restaurant. Aiden looks instantly relieved to see me while James looks utterly pissed off.

"I'm not the one who broke his heart you stupid bit-"

"Hey." Trina sits next to him and he narrows his eyes at Jess.

I sit next to Aiden.

"Is everything okay?" I ask and Aiden grabs my waist pulling me onto him.

Her eyes widen, "you two dating?"

Aiden and I both look at each other before bursting out laughing. She looks relieved until I tilt my head.

"Darling, we're married."

* * *

"Her face was hysterical!" Trina grins and Aiden chuckles pulling me to him. Everyone retreated back home, and I honestly wasn't feeling it.

Not because of Jess, but because of my dad. It just seems like everything I overcome an obstacle, another one hits me.

I stand, "I'm tired." I lie and Aiden raises an eyebrow.

"Want me to come with you?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Its fine." Walking to the room I immediately throw myself onto the bed. Soon enough the door swings open and I expected nothing less as Aiden steps in his eyes narrowed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. " I shrug and he sighs, closing the door.

"I hate it when you do that." He says removing his jacket, and his dress shirt shows his muscles brilliantly.

"I'm not doing anything."

"If this is about Jess. . she's old news."

"No. .its not about her. . its not about anything I'm just tired." He nods and I avert my eyes as he unbuttons his shirt.

"Can you help me?" He smirks and I raise an eyebrow.

"You seem to be doing just fine." He buttons them back and pretends to be struggling, I roll my eyes, standing on the bed and slowly finishing the job.

He takes it off completely and I still blush, averting my eyes back to the wall.

"We're married and you still act as if you've never seen me half naked." He teases and I cough. "You can touch if you want."

"I've touched it before. I've also touched way better." I joke and he doesn't take it as a joke. Not at all.

He pulls me closer to him, his mouth dangerously close to mine as he tilts his head.

"Excuse me?" He murmurs.

"I said, I've touched better." I smirk and that's all it takes.

In an instant I'm flat out on the bed, laying on my back as he pulls my pants off, the buttons popping off.

"Aiden! I swear you destroy all my clothes!" I yell and he sniggers as he drops the item onto the floor. "We have guests." I try and he gives me a flat face.

"Our guests, are doing just fine if you ask me." Trina screams right on time and my eyes widen.

"My couch!" I yell and Aiden doubles over laughing. "Ew!" I pull the shorts right back on, even without buttons and stomp to the living room.

"Trin- where's James?"

"Uh, cooking?"

"We just ate!"

"But I'm hungry."

"So why did you scream?"

"Because. I'm hungry." She says in a duh motion and Aiden soon passes near me a smirk apparent on his face.

"You dirty son of a b-"

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