13. So. . Why Are You Telling Us This?

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(A/N: so I heard something about Wattpad premium? I'm praying it doesn't happen to me, I honestly can't understand what its about.)

Alanas POV

"Babe. . are you sure you're okay?" Aiden asks once Trina and James had gone and I nod.

"I'm all good." I murmur, and he pulls me into him as we sat on the couch.

"I'm working a bit late tomorrow. ." he states looking a bit nervous and I raise an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to visit you?"

"No!" He says quickly and I raise both eyebrows this time.

"Oh. . okay. . well um. ." I was at a lost for words and he sighs placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Just stay home and relax okay?"

"Alrighty then." I mutter.

* * *

I came home from work, only to find the door slightly opened. Furrowing my eyebrows, I push it open and call out to Aiden.

He said he was working late so. .

"Alana." My body rings with tension as I freeze.

"What? I'm calling the police." I state with no hesitation and he sighs.

"Listen to me-"

"You've been stalking me like a mad man! I dont want to-"

"I know! Its crazy. I'm crazy, call it whatever you want. But I need you're help. Please." He begs.

"No." I tilt my head at him and his face sags.

"I'm dying." He states averting his eyes to the floor and I gape slightly.


"I was. . I was diagnosed with cirrhosis. ." I stand there staring at the broken man as he looks up at me. "I try to seem tough, threatening you. . stalking you. .but I'm dying bit by bit everyday. . After I killed your mother and snapped out of my disgusting trance, I turned to liquor. But little did I know. . karma was out to get me. Alana, I'm so sorry." He began to sob, collapsing to the floor and I sigh, slowly kneeling next to him.

"I am so sorry." He repeats shaking his head, tears running down his face. "I'm a pathetic excuse for a father, but I need you to help me please, and if you allow me to, I'll make things right, or. . I'll leave. . and you'll never see me again."

*  *  *

"Woah. . that's. .that's a lot." Trina mutters biting into the ice cream and I cringe, I called her soon after my dad left and I sigh nodding. "Are you gonna help him?"

"Of course I'm gonna help him. He's my dad. "

"He killed your mother." I take in a sharp breath.

"I'm aware of that, but she's gone. There's not much I can do about that." She shrugs.

"Where's Aiden?"

"Working late. So tell me, how's James?" Her face goes beet red and I smirk.

"H-how should I know?" She averts her eyes to the ice cream and I roll mine.

"You're lying. You totally have a thing for him."

"I don't have things for men."

"You're right." I sigh. "You like him!" I yell.

"Girl if you don't calm your tits, I met him yesterday."

"Right. . and uh. . I wanna see what his office looks like." I wink as she chokes.

* * *

Aiden's POV

"You guys are beautiful. ." Jess murmurs, running the frame of Alana and I and I grab it from her.

"Look, I lied to Alana okay? I shouldn't even be here. What do you want?" I breathe and she frowns.

"Aiden. . I just need you to help me okay? Keep an open mind about this. . We both know my family disowned me a long time ago. ." She trails off and I raise an eyebrow. I would much rather be with Alana right now. "I- I'm pregnant."

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