Perrie Makes a Promise

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“I can’t believe you’re leaving me again.” I say, stirring my caramel milkshake. Perrie had taken me on a sister’s day out. So far we had been shopping and she got my nails done. Now we were grabbing a quick bite to eat. I tried to ignore the fact that this whole day was a bribe, because it was pretty much perfect, apart from the fact that I knew it would be the last time I see her in a while.

“Come on Milly, it won’t be that bad. You’ll be able to see me when we get a day off, or before or after one of the shows.” She says. “I’ll have to catch up with Zayn as well, whenever I can.”

“But I had you first!” I cry, a little childishly.

“That’s right, you did baby.” She says, and then taps my nose. I smile. I loved Perrie, more than anything. She was the best big sister anyone could ever ask for.

I just couldn’t believe that she would be gone for half a year in just a matter of days.

After afternoon tea we strolled around the shops again, hand in hand. We were talking about school when this man ran up to us with a camera.

“Oh no.” muttered Perrie. He started taking pictures of us, and he kept asking us to smile and stand still. She walked away quickly, and I followed after, desperate not to lose her.

“Sorry Baby.” Whispered Perrie, clearly feeling guilty.

“S’ok.” I whisper back, and then cuddle into her side. “Today’s been the best day ever.”

We continued to walk, until we saw this beautiful park with a swing set that no one was using. I raced her, and began to swing. We swung higher and higher, so high that our toes touched the sky. I felt so happy, happier than I had felt in a while. But then, once again, I remembered how she was going to go on tour.

I stopped swinging, and quickly so did she.

“Why are you leaving me?” I asked for the fiftieth time. I couldn’t shake the awful feeling in my stomach. I didn’t want her to go.

She looked into my eyes, and then gestured towards a park bench. We sat down, and she held my tiny hands. “You know I love you, very very much. But part of my job is to travel, and go on tour, so I can make lots of other people happy.  I’m always gonna care about you, no matter where I am, but you’re growing up, and so am I. Things change Amelia, and even though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes they’re for the best. I’m always here for you if you need me. Anytime. I promise.

We cuddled for ages after, in full view of everybody passing by, until Perrie’s phone buzzed.

“It’s Mum. I better drop you home now.”

And that was the end of our special day.

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