Little Me

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3 weeks later I was suffering from major writers block. I had posted the first few chapters of a story I had been writing on wattpad, and they were doing pretty badly, which is just how I liked it. I was starting from the bottom, and I was being me, not Perrie’s little sister, and I wasn’t getting any help from her.

So, back to my conundrum, I had no idea what to write about. Steve and Mum were out doing some fitness thing, and Perrie was still on tour, so I was home alone. I walked through my house, trying to get some inspiration. I walked into Perrie’s old room, which still had a lot of her old junk. I haven’t been there in ages, as I cut all ties with her. I hadn’t called her or texted her, I hadn’t googled Perrie or Little Mix, I didn’t even answer her calls, all 2 of them in one month.

I walked around, trying to get some inspiration. She had a box stuffed full of loads of songs she wrote when she was younger, ao I decided to take a peek. I emptied the sheets of paper onto the carpet, and one bit caught my eye. It was a bunch of words and phrases, but they seemed somehoe familiar

“ She’s brave but its traped inside, run to fast and she’ll risk it all, you need to speak up, you need to shout, wish I knew back then what I know now.”

And then underneath, in capital letters and underlined, LITTLE ME

It clicked. It was a very early version of little me! But I thought the girls all wrote that one together?

Being in Perrie’s room made me realise the extent to which I was effectively disowning my family, and how much I missed them. Had I gone too far?

I shook my head. No way. I deserved to be my own person, and my family was stopping me. I didn’t need Perrie to be happy.

I stuffed the songs back where they belonged, and decided to do a quick little search in Mum and Steve’s room.

It started off as a harmless look for inspiration, but I quickly became manical, searching through all of Steve’s things, desperate to find something to use against him. I was looking through his underwear drawer and I found a box of condoms (Yuck). I still wasn’t satisified, so I kept searching.

Suddenly I felt something small and hard. It was a little box and I held it in my hand. It was a jewellery box, one of those fancy ones you find in those expensive stores.

It couldn’t be, could it? I opened it, and my mouth slowly formed an O. It was a ring, a beautiful ring, gold with a massive diamond and two little rubies.

It must be an engagement ring. Which meant, oh no. Oh no no no no no. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Steve was planning to propose to my mother!

What could I do? Should I hide it so he can’t pop the question?

I decided to call Perrie, even though my mind was screaming not to. I did, and it ran to voicemail. How dare she? She promised to be there when I needed her, and now she’s not here! I could feel my blood begin to boil.

No. I thought. They weren’t my family, I didn’t care about them. I am my own person, I operate by myself. I don’t need Perrie, I don’t need Mum. Steve can have her for all she wants.

I placed the ring back into the draw and went back to my desk. It was time to step up the cease of communication.

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