When one door closes......

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I got back out from under the covers. The first thing I would do to become the new me is to give myself a makeover.

I sifted through my wardrobe, trying to find something more me that wasn’t a gift from Perrie. I searched and searched until I found what I was looking for. It was a yellow T-shirt, with little hearts made out of diamonte’s. It was kind of tight, as I got it when I was 10, but it looked okay. I found my dark blue denim mini skirt. I teamed it with some red wedges I got at an op shop and put my hair into a side fishtail. I made a resolution to grow my hair longer, as Perrie always had hers pretty short. I decided to embrace my golden-brown hair, as Perrie’s was platinum blonde, and the least I looked like her the better.

I turned on some music (Not Little Mix or One Direction!!) and had a little dance party. It made me feel a whole lot better. I looked around and decided that I would makeover my room too. I went shopping and spent the very last of my birthday money.

That afternoon I tore down the posters on my wall of different celebrities and replaced it with a giant Doctor Who poster. I collected all my books from around the house and stacked them in rainbow order in my bookshelf.

I took down the photos of me and mum and Perrie and Little Mix on my corkboard, went searching and replaced it with photos of me and my school friends. I cleared up my desk so I would have space to start writing, real proper stories that I could publish online on a website I found called Wattpad.

I felt amazing.

On Monday I debued my new look, but because of the school uniform all I really did was thread som new shoelaces into my sneakers and walk into school with a smile, which made all the difference in the world.

The bell rung for form and I psyched myself up to go talk to Harley, who was still sitting by himself. No one really knew what to do with him yet, and I think he liked it that way.

I walked up to him. “I’m so sorry about last weekend, you know, with my mum’s boyfriend and stuff. I don’t normally run around town in my pajamas.” I explained, hoping for a response.

He laughed, and I saw his perfectly straight teeth. He had an amazing smile, he just didn’t show it too often, or as far as I could see, at all.

“So he wasn’t your Dad then?” he asked.

“Oh, gosh no. I haven’t seen my Dad in years.” I replied, a little sadly.

“Wish I never met mine.” He muttered. I wanted to ask why, but I thought better of it, as I still wanted to talk to him.

I sat down, and opened my story notebook. He asked what it was, and I explained that I am trying to write stories and put them online.

“Aren’t you araid of other people finding out?” he asked.

“Nah. They don’t even know I’m here half the time. They pretty much all stick to doing stupid things and winding up Ms Brown.”

We talked and talked up until the bell rang and we went separate ways. I was so proud of myself for having so much confidence. I was loving the new me.

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