Running in my Pajamas

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I was at home, sitting on the couch, painting my nails when I should really be doing my maths homework that was due on Monday. I could hear the thud, thud, thud of Stupid Steve’s footsteps. The sound of them gave me shivers. You have no idea how much I despise that man.

“Amelia, quit painting your nails and do some homework. And I know that you bought chocolate after school Missy. I’ll make you go for a run if you don’t get up now.” He commanded.

I should probably explain a few things about Steve. He’s a personal trainer, which is why he is completely health nuts. (And I emphasize the nuts.) Dad (My real one) decided to hire a personal trainer for Mum, and Steve seduced her and broke up their marriage.

Mum denies this of course, and so does Perrie, Steve and Dad, but everyone knows that’s what really happened.

He has overly big muscles and little piggy eyes. I do not see what Mum thinks she sees in him.

I refused to get up. There was no way I was going to listen to him.

“Amelia Louise Edwards! Get up!”

I kicked my feet up on the table. He was fuming. He gripped my arm, firmly but not too forcefully. He dragged me outside. I was still in my pajamas! He hopped onto his bike and told me to run.

I knew that there wasn’t much that I could do, so I obeyed him, no mater how humiliating it was. He continued to bark orders at me, “Faster! Chin up! Pump those arms!”

My legs were on fire and so were my cheeks. How many people had seen me running like a lunatic in my pajamas? Thank goodness that there aren’t too many people from school who live near me.

I saw someone walking a dog who looked strangely familiar. Oh no, it couldn’t be. The person I least wanted to see. It was Harley.

Over the past couple of days at school I had become more and more drawn to him. He barely talked, and the teachers seemed to treat him differently, but I had no idea why. I just had to find out.

Anyway, I was running like a madman up to him, with Steve barking orders and I stopped. He probably didn’t want to talk to me, but I needed any chance I could to rest my aching legs.

“Going for a run?” he asked cheekily, staring at my pink pajama bottoms.

“He’s making me.” I gestured towards Steve rudely.

“Anymore sass and you’ll be running an extra 2 kilometers.” Added Steve.

“See you ‘round, Amelia.” He said, and continued to walk.

There was no doubt about it, I was going to become friends with Harley, even if it killed me.

When I got home I tried to vent to Mum. Even though we had been arguing over everything lately, I was hoping that she would understand that running for miles in my pajamas was totally unfair.

She however, saw it differently. “You’re lazy Amelia. All you do is sit on your butt. Why can’t you act more like your big sister? She’s out in the world, doing things, making a name for herself. You on the other hand just go on your computer. A run is the least you can do.”

“But I was in my pajamas!” I pleaded, desperate for her to take my side.

“Oh, when aren’t you?” she complained. I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I crawled into bed and started to cry.

Why was I stuck with such a horrible family? Steve is the most awful human being I’ve ever met, Mum doesn’t care about me and as for my big sister, well, that takes the cake.

She tells me she loves me, then abandons me at the drop of a hat and treats me badly. I’m only ever known for being Perrie Edward’s little sister, it’s obvious that everyone wants her more than me. Even my dad used to love Perrie more, I think, trying to remember back many years ago. Its sickening.

I’m going to take action. I am no longer Steve’s kind-of stepdaughter, Mum’s youngest baby and Perrie Edwards annoying little sister Milly. I’m now Amelia Edwards, aspiring writer, friend of Harley. I just had to work on the last bit of course.

No more family, and definitely no more Little Mix. It was time to cut ties, stop answering phone calls and become my own person. Watch out world, here I come.

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