Chapter 3

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Saturday 12th October, 4pm:

Resting his now beautifully manicured nails into the clear solution that sat upon the table next to him, Lance gave out a sigh of blissful content.

“I told you a spa day would be good for us, we needed some relaxation” said Allura from her chair next to Lance's, she had a face mask on and her incredibly long hair was tied back into a messy ponytail.

“I seem to remember it as me spending 4 weeks convincing you to come and then you turning into an excited puppy the second I got tickets” he replied, happy to hear Allura's harumph of annoyance.

They spent the next few minutes in comfortable silence, relaxing in their reclining chairs and admiring their nails because damn did this place do a good job with nails.

“Okay, I'm bored of this small talk, let's get to the juicy stuff; the gossip” pried Allura curiously, leaning out of her seat and towards Lance, a glimmer of excitement in her large eyes.

“I don't know what you're talking about…” he tried, already knowing his will would break in the next few seconds but wanting to make Allura hold out just a tad longer, he had to take every chance he had to make his boss miserable after all.

“Please? I know you're keeping a secret. Are you dating someone? Is it Plaxum? It's not Nyma again is it? Cos you would've thought she'd stop getting back together with you after you slept with her brother… by the way we should probably talk about that, I know we're besties and everything but I am still your and Rolo's boss so any misconduct in the workplace-”

“FINE! Fine, I'll tell you just never, ever talk about that again!” Lance interrupted, mentally cursing himself when he sees Allura's look of devious satisfaction.

“I may or may not like two guys on the football team who are already dating each other, they're soulmates and everything…” he admitted sadly, ready for whatever advice or teasing Allura threw his way.

“But…. I thought you hated football?” She questioned, the look of confusion spread across her face was recognisable even when she was wearing a think face mask.

“Out of everything I just said, that's the part you focus on? Football?!?”

“Well yes, how did you come to know of these men when you never go to football games or even talk to people who do?” She explained patiently, but she was obviously pining for more details of her friend’s rather embarrassing crushes.

“Well they come to the café to talk to Matt, one of them is his best friend I think- Shiro. And Shiro's soulmate is Keith, who is also incredibly hot, but I don't have a chance with either of them” The Cuban man sighed defeatedly, he barely even knew these guys but he had managed to manifest feelings for them.

“Hey, it's okay” breathed Allura kindly, patting Lance's arm with a gentle smile. “On the bright side, you're right about Matt and Shiro being best friends so at our wedding you'll have plenty of time to flirt with him. Plus he'll probably bring Keith so you'll get time with both of them”.

“Yeah, cos the 'meeting at a friend's wedding’ trope is totally cliché, I should know; I'm a drama major.” He joked sarcastically.

“Come on! It would be sweet, the best man and his boyfriend getting together with the man of honour…” she hinted, smiling brightly now and shaking Lance's arm to get his attention.

“Wai- What?!? I'm your man of honour? Oh shit I've got to start planning… You'll want junoberries at the reception, obviously, and you'll probably have a white, pink and blue colour scheme- not that I'll be able to tell. Have you got something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue yet? Because I don't know when you plan to get married but we should probably start on that now. And with the bridesmaids- wait, when did you a Matt decide to get married?!? Is this your way of telling me he proposed? Oh, who am I kidding you would be the one to propose” Lance rambled, his spirits sufficiently lifted and downright ecstatic to be Allura's man of honour.

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