Chapter 11

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Wednesday, 30th October, 7am:

Keith never thought he'd have the pleasure of seeing his own boyfriend do the infamous walk of shame. Other students did it all the time, you couldn't travel in between dorms any time before 9am without seeing someone haphazardly dressed rushing towards their room, their hair clearly not brushed and usually not wearing shoes, instead carrying them. Which is exactly how Shiro looked when he crept through the door at 7am, clearly wanting to get showered and properly dressed before his 8am class.

“I've never been more glad to be up at 7” Keith smirked from his desk, turning on his swivelly chair just as Shiro opened the door so he could take a picture of his boyfriend looking super flustered.

“Ummmm” the taller man said stupidly, not quite sure what to make of the situation. Should he be trying to delete the photo? Apologise for getting in so late? Laugh with Keith? “... About Lance-”

“Shut it, you don't need to explain. I don't care if you slept with him, which you clearly did by the way, you talked to me about it yesterday and I said I was cool with it. Sure, I didn't think you meant you'd be having sex with him so soon, but that doesn't change anything. Plus, now I have blackmail to use against you.” assured Keith, honestly not caring since Lance was their soulmate and Keith had very little interest in sex himself. Sure, he was happy to do it once he'd gotten to know someone and it was enjoyable, he just didn't really… Care.

“Right. I'm going to, uh, shower.”murmured Shiro, quickly slipping into the bathroom as to escape Keith's gaze. Usually the art student didn't tease his boyfriend, but sometimes it was just too fun. Especially when Shiro took a break from being a responsible adult with almost no flaws.

“Okay, since I'm already up I might as well go to the café. See you after your class!” Keith called and waved goodbye to the shut bathroom door before he made his way out of the dorms. He didn't have any classes until the afternoon so he had some free time that he could (and should) use to finish off his art project. But procrastination was feeling better right now.

At Voltron Coffee:

Keith walked through the entrance quickly, happy to escape the cold his cropped jacket wasn't protecting him from. He half hoped Lance would be serving today but he figured the Cuban man wouldn't even be awake yet unless he had class. Instead Keith ordered from Coran, the ginger man who seemed to live at the café, and got served by Matt.

“Hey, Keith! You're never up this early unless you have class… What's the special occasion? Shit! I didn't forget Shiro’s birthday, did I?! Wait, no, that's February 29th… Is it your birthday by chance? Uh… Happy Birthday?” Matt rambled uselessly, and Keith watched with slight amusement and slight impatience. It was morning and he wanted his tea.

“It's nobody's birthday, Matt. I was up early to make fun of Shiro, he had sex last night and I wanted to embarrass him” Matt smiled approvingly, before his eyes gleamed and he started bouncing up and down behind the counter, causing Keith's drink to splash precariously.

“Oh my God! He had sex with Lance, didn't he? I knew Lance wouldn't mind doing it on the first date but Shiro… Man, I thought he'd at least pretend to be respectable.” Matt laughed some more before finally passing Keith his drink, not seeming to notice he'd spilt a good third of it in his excitement, further proving to Keith that Matt had only been hired as a batista because Allura was his soulmate.

“Thanks.” Keith muttered, planning to find a quiet table he could just go sit at and look through Tumblr on. He had to see if his Zuko fanart had reached 5000 notes yet. However, his plan was thwarted when a cheery voice called out to him from across the café:

“Hey, Keith! Come over here!” Lance's friend (and roommate) Hunk gestured Keith over to his table for 4, where only he and that scary Pidge person sat. Seemed like a waste but the café didn't seem too crowded at all. He decided to sit with them, one because it would be rude to ignore them, and two because he wanted Lance's friends to like him.

“Uh… Hey?” he greeted as he sat down next to Hunk on the bench, Pidge’s side had more room but the art student was still pretty terrified of them. Though he had to admire someone who cared so much about their friends that they didn't mind threatening gruesome murder for anyone who hurt them.

“We were just talking about you! Nothing bad though.” said Hunk happily, eating what seemed to be a chocolate chip muffin, either that or it was a… Raison one… Ugh.

“Yeah, and talking about what Lance was doing last night when he texted Hunk to not come back early. Or, more specifically, who he was doing. Hunk says he was fast asleep when he got back to the dorm at about 10 past 7, and when Hunk invited him out he said he was too sore to walk. He's such a drama queen” Pidge smirked and gave Hunk a side glance before turning their attention back to Keith. They didn't seem to be in a murderous mood so Keith managed to relax a little. Though he'd seen Shiro and had no doubt in his mind that Lance wasn't exaggerating.

“Not me, Shiro was the one he slept with.” Keith decided throwing Shiro under the bus would be preferable to letting these two's minds wander.

“Yeah, we figured as much. Shiro is Lance's type” Hunk revealed, making a little bubble of doubt inflate in Keith's chest. Did Lance like Shiro better? Sure, the two had slept together but Keith never thought of that as more deepening to a relationship then just talking.

“But don't worry about that, he is head over heels for you too. Ugh, he was daydreaming about the both of you for ages before he got over himself and found it in him to collapse in Shiro’s arms.” Pidge’s words actually calmed his nerves, and gave him teasing material against Lance for future use.

After that the three of them talked a little more, most of it was them trying to pry details about Keith's date with Lance from Keith. Upon hearing that it was sweet and adorable (Hunk’s words) they seemed to be a confusing mixture of happy their friend was in a good relationship and annoyed he didn't do anything embarrassing enough to warrant light hearted teasing. Keith chose to keep the exact details of the date a secret, slightly afraid he'd be embarrassed.

“Hey, you know what a fun thing would be for you three to do together? Every year this café has a Halloween party and you could all go!” suggested Hunk brightly, finishing off the last of his muffin and folding the wrapper into a surprisingly detailed hat. Keith had known about this party, it was tomorrow and their had been posters in the café about it since the beginning of October. He'd just never paid much attention to them since he wasn't too keen on parties. Shiro, knowing this, had not asked Keith if he wanted to go, but Keith had planned to go if Shiro asked him. Deciding it would be a fun thing to do, even if it was a party, Keith agreed to go.

“Okay, sure. It's costumes, right?” Keith asked, already knowing who he'd go as.

“Yes, but don't even try to drag Lance into a couples’ costume with you and Shiro. Him, Hunk and I always go as a group and we've been planning this year's since July.” said Pidge, their eyes becoming murderous for a second before Keith hastily shook his head.

“Great! We'll see you tomorrow then, 8pm.” smiled Hunk, patting Pidge on the shoulder and giving Keith such a sunny expression that it threatened to give Keith's pale skin a sunburn.

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