Chapter 8

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Monday, 21st October, 9pm:

Lance woke up in his own bed, covered in his blue sheets and surrounded by plump pillows, and for just a second he felt relaxed… Until, of course:

“What the fuck happened?!? How did I get here? Did that actually happen? Was I dreaming? Am I still dreaming!?!” He yelled, sitting upright in bed and with wide eyes, only stopping his ramblings when he took in the dorm room.

It was… Beautiful. Earlier he hadn't had enough energy to properly take in all of the new colours he had access to, but now that he did he was glad. Most of his own belongings were some shade of blue, a colour he still wasn't sick even after 19 years. Hunk had a lot of yellow, but also some light oranges and greens- not many though. Their ceiling was white and their college supplied lamp shades were grey as were their curtains- he would have to change them at some point. Pidge was also sat in his room, their outfit made up of green, white and tan. They also looked incredibly startled.

“God damnit, Lance! You've got warn me before you start shouting like that, now, I'm sure you have some questions” they said after regaining some composure and sliding their glasses up the bridge of their nose. Fun fact: Pidge didn't originally need glasses but when Matt got laser eye surgery they wore his old ones so much that they damaged their eyes to the point where a prescription was necessary for them to see properly.

“Well… I can see in colour so I must have met my soulmate… Soulmates I guess from… Oh God, did I really pass out in Shiro's arms?” He groaned pathetically, flopping back down on his bed and managing to hit his head on the headboard in the process. “Ugh, why am I so tall?”

“Yep, right in his arms. And then they carried you, or should I say Shiro carried you, to their dorm. Then Allura and I picked you up- she's super pissed at you by the way for overworking yourself, she's given you a week off to, and I quote, 'get some rest before I kill him’ so yeah.” Pidge replied, seemingly getting tired of the conversation and pulling out their phone.

“So… What now?” Lance asked, the prospect of two soulmates had been confusingly scary enough that he'd never allowed himself to think of it as a possibility. And now he suddenly had two soulmates that were dating each other.

“You call them, duh.” Pidge replied with a role of their eyes before gesturing to his phone.

“But I don't have their numbers.”

“Yes you do, I put them in your phone whilst you were asleep. They have your number to, they wouldn't stop texting for ages. Oh, and don't ask how I got your phone password- you probably already realised I had a way in.” Pidge said, still scrolling through their phone and waiting for Lance to retrieve his phone.

Lance turned on his phone and immediately on the lock screen there were 20 new messages from someone Pidge had listed as 'shorter soulmate’ blocking out his lovely picture of Beyoncé. He input his password (STAYOUTPIDGE0410) and started scrolling through them:

Hey, it's Keith

You know… Ugh the footballer

Dating Shiro?

Yeah you probably know that

Are you okay?

Like you're obviously not okay since you looked like hell this morning but still

Not saying you're not good looking, you obviously are

Like really hot

Well from those times I've seen you at Voltron Coffee anyway

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