Chapter 13

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Friday, 8th November, 11pm:

Lance hadn’t been seen by his boyfriends in a week, and they were getting a little worried…

“Did we do something wrong? Maybe we took things too far or did I not try hard enough!?” questioned Keith hysterically, pacing about his and Shiro’s dorm room after having left yet another text for Lance:

Hey, it’s Keith. But you obviously know that.

I just woke up from a pretty awful hangover, where did you go last night?

Shiro said you went to the bathroom but about 20 minutes later texted to say you weren’t feeling well and had left.

He tried calling but you declined.

We could have taken you back home, you know? It’s really no bother.

Or if you’re sick we could get some soup or something. Sick people like soup, right?

Hey, you didn’t reply to my texts a few days ago.

But Hunk said you’re not ill. You’re just being ‘distant’.

If you don’t want to see us right now it’s fine, we just want to know that you’re okay.

We’re really worried.

Hey, it’s been about 5 days since we last saw you. Are you avoiding us?

You’ve only been taking shifts at the cafe whenever Shiro and I are in class.

Hunk and Pidge haven’t seen much of you either, you’re always in your room or in class.

Hey again

I’m really sorry for whatever I did wrong

I just really like you

He sighed at his last text in exasperation, throwing his phone down onto the double bed and flopping down on top of it. Shiro walked over and patted his head kindly, but Keith could tell they were equally tense and both in need of some venting. Just as he was about to say something supportive and kind to Shiro, probably along the lines of ‘it’ll be okay’, his phone buzzed from beneath his stomach and chirped loudly in the quiet room, causing Shiro to jump up abruptly and fall from his perch beside Keith on the bed, accidentally slipping onto the floor in his confusion. They’d been waiting for a text for a week, and now they had finally gotten what they wanted. Keith scrambled around the quilt looking for his phone, and opened up the new text message. Thankfully it really was from Lance and not just from the pizza place offering yet another coupon for a pepperoni pizza to share (when were they gonna figure out Keith only went to their restaurant for the delicious garlic bread? He absolutely detested pizza!). The message from Lance read:

You didn’t do anything wrong. It’s my fault. I’m sorry.

“We’re gonna go find him.” Announced Shiro after reading the message, before Keith could even squeak in protest Shiro was shoving his jacket into his arms and walking towards the door

“But… He obviously doesn’t want to see us! When I want to be left alone I expect to be left alone, we can’t go intrude on him like this, Shiro!” He argued, blocking the door momentarily before Shiro easily picked him up and placed him aside.

“Well, Lance isn’t like you. Something tells me when he’s upset he refuses company and support, instead wanting to fester in his own problems over ‘burdening’ anyone else.” Keith could appreciate where Shiro was coming from, it did make a weird kind of sense that Keith didn’t quite comprehend but believed could exist.

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