Chapter 15

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9th November, 7pm:

“Okay, so who wants to toast?” Asked Hunk to the table of people at Allura and Matt’s engagement party.

Lance, Shiro and Pidge stood up simultaneously, and then glared at one another, though their expressions held no malice. Everyone around the table looked at the three expectantly, and Keith looked about ready to break out into full blown laughing at his boyfriends, yet he refrained.

“As Matt’s sibling, I'm the one who gets to tell embarrassing stories about him.  Argued Pidge, smirking and about to go into a story about their brother, until they were interrupted.

“Ah, yes, but I'm Matt’s best friend and best man, so I should get to make the toast.” Replied Shiro, all of their friends now looked at Lance to see if he would also pitch in as to why he should make the toast.

“Well, guys, I'm Allura’s man of honour and I'm by far the best storyteller, so I should get to embarrass the happy couple.” The debate might have kept going, it was just as entertaining as the toast promised to be, but Allura interrupted.

“He's my fiancé, so I get to pick who tells this story.” She smiled evilly, looking between each of the candidates whilst pondering. Pidge would by far embarrass Matt the most, Shiro would be the most truthful and Lance would make Allura out to be the best version of herself, so who to choose…

“You know what?! I'm doing the toast so none of you drag my name through the mud too much, okay?” Matt broke in, for once looking mortified with the amount of attention he was getting. Pidge attempted to talk, but he clinked his glass loudly to silence them.

“Fine.” The group muttered unenthusiastically, preparing to ask Pidge, Lance and Shiro for their versions of events later on.

“Okay then, it all started a little over a year ago…”


1 Year and 2 Months Ago, 4pm:

Matt walked through the doors of the café quickly, happy to escape the cold. The building was overcrowded, students lounging on every piece of furniture (even the tables) and several of them were loudly complaining about not getting their order yet. A beautiful woman worked behind the counter, her silver-white hair (“look I'm going to describe everything in colour, since that how I see it now. But yes, back then her hair looked pale green blah blah blah, now can I get on with my story?”) seemed long but it was up in a messy bun, falling out into little tendrils. Her eyes were blue like lightning, bright and quick and, currently, murderous. Some obnoxious guy, Sendak Matt was pretty sure, was flirting with her and refusing to back off. Matt prepared himself to become Captain America and punch his ass (or more like get his own ass kicked) when his brilliant plans were interrupted when Sendak reached out to adjust the strap on the pale pink apron the girl sported, and she twisted his wrist with such ferocity and precision that a loud crack rung out about the room, as well as the man's yelp of pain.

“Now get the hell out of my café. Next customer please.” She said the last bit sweetly, smiling at a rather muscular girl with pigtails who had just approached the counter.

Behind the extraordinary woman, two men were hurriedly bustling about, tripping over themselves and each other in their haste. Matt was taken aback by how many attractive people seemed to work at the café; he usually just had instant coffee or got the crappy stuff from the college cafeteria, but ever since his younger sibling moved in with him they always came here for ‘the good stuff’, and today they had sent Matt out to fetch it. And if this was how hot the workers were, Matt would be making daily visits. The guy he had seen had a deep caramel tan, his short brown hair curled slightly at the ends and his eyes, well, Matt had thought the girl had pretty eyes. His were like the ocean, they shimmered blue and vast, peaceful and tranquil, whilst also being mysterious and deadly. But, similarly to the woman (more of a Wonder Woman to be honest) he was very dishevelled, his blue apron half undone and carrying 5 trays of drinks with a scary amount of balance.

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