Chapter 4

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Tuesday, 15th October, 8pm:

Pidge had one very clear rule when it came to their life: no romance. No lovey-dovey relationships for them, they were void of a soulmate mark after all and openly identifying as an aromantic asexual. They simply didn't care about love. This was actually incredibly lucky because had they been attracted to people then the lack of a soulmate would have been devastating, downright heartbreaking. But it wasn't. Now this didn't mean Pidge didn't get involved in relationships at all, they were perfectly happy to meddle in everyone else’s love lives- which is exactly what they were doing now whilst they and Lance prepared Hunk for his momentous date with Shay.

Shay and Pidge were actually surprisingly good friends, she was a geology major and Pidge did computer science so they didn't seem particularly similar. But they had one common aspect of their personalities which made their unlikely friendship more plausible- activism. Pidge, despite being only 16 (they had been accepted into college early thanks to their intelligence) was a hacktivist, they did *slightly* illegal things that actually benefited everyone except whichever scumbag they exposed or stole from. Shay never did anything illegal, she was too pure a human being, but she rebelled against the system in her own, more peaceful way. She attended peaceful protests, wore 'save the trees’ badges and donated to charities regularly. Shay also, despite not seeming the type, had a four leafed clover tattooed onto her right shoulder which many people mistook for an activated soulmate mark. Shay knew about Pidge's methods but didn't stop them and had even joined an activism group in their college led by Pidge and Rolo.

All this really meant was Pidge knew Shay liked Hunk and Hunk liked Shay and getting them together and revealing that they are soulmates was their current ultimate challenge. With some help from Lance.

“What if she thinks I'm trying too hard? Or not trying hard enough! I'm not prepared, should I cancel? Or will that make her think I'm not interested? Is she even interested?!?” Rambled Hunk as he got dressed up for his date, Lance was passing him his clothes whilst Pidge covered their innocent (according to Lance) eyes with their small, pale hand. These eyes weren't so innocent let's just say that.

“Hunk, it's a coffee date not a proposal, just wear your usual clothes, brush your hair and you'll be fine.” Lance assured him, Pidge wasn't very good at comforting people, but Lance usually knew exactly what to say to calm people down.

“You really think so?” The larger male asked weakly, before signalling to Pidge that they were free to look.

He really did look fine, he was wearing his normal outfit of baggy brown pants (another plus of not having a soulmate= being able to see in colour your entire life), a yellow t-shirt and a green sleeveless jacket- thing; Pidge wasn't too good at naming articles for clothing since all they ever wore were the same shorts and green top everyday. Hunk looked like he usually did only he was also freshly shaven, his hair was combed and it looked like Lance had given him some contour, not that you'd have noticed the skillful addition of makeup if you didn't see Hunk literally everyday.

“Yeah, buddy, I do” Lance complemented with a smile before turning to Pidge. “What do you think, Pidgey?”

“You look great Hunk, all that will ruin it is if you get there ten minutes late so let's get going” They replied, leading the way out of the dorm with a jittery Hunk and excited Lance following close behind.


“Your finest table, Coran!” Sang Lance as he walked into the café behind Pidge, dragging Hunk with him.

“Special occasion eh? I remember my first date, it was 20 years ago with a lovely man called…” started Coran as he cleared the window seat and Lance practically shoved his best friend there.

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