Chapter 12

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A/N: This chapter has some potentially triggering content. This content includes transphobia, referenced underage drinking and implied past abuse. You have been warned.

Thursday, 31st October, 8pm:

Lance, Hunk and Pidge sat outside the building excitedly, music blasted from within and several college students wandered in and out of the skull adorned doors drunkenly. Allura and Matt were already inside and had been for about 20 minutes now, the party had only just begun and, for once, Lance had been right on time. But he'd decided to wait for his new boyfriends outside, and Pidge and Hunk had refused to leave him alone. The three weren't planning on drinking, despite Hunk being the legal age, but that wasn't going to stop them from having fun- it's their favourite holiday after all. Lance was wearing a scarily accurate Han Solo costume, Pidge was wearing an R2D2 outfit, and somehow didn't look absolutely ridiculous, and Hunk looked suspiciously like a werewolf but was meant to be Chewie. In short, the three of them, were massive nerds.

“Wow, Shiro and Keith really must be your soulmates, Lance; they're late.” remarked Pidge scathingly, manoeuvring to brush their hair out of their face as they did so. Unsurprisingly, short robot costumes made movement difficult.

“Har har har, Pidgey, they're not even late. Less than a quarter of the people are here. I told you that you could go inside and I'd wait on my own.” replied Lance, still looking out for his boyfriends. He made a mental vow never to be punctual again- waiting sucked.

“You really think we'd let you wait out here in the dark on your own? This place is swarming with drunk, single people who have already bothered us 4 times in the last 20 minutes about whether or not you're free for a-” Hunk said before turning to Pidge and realising he was in the presence of a 16 year old. “A dance”.

“Fine, but I promise you I'm capable of looking after myself.” Lance argued, crossing his arms and turning away from his friends, but he was smiling slightly from the warm feeling that came from people caring about you.

The three waited another 5 minutes before Shiro and Keith arrived, and in that time an admittedly hot girl, who wasn't even drunk, dressed as Jasmine came over to flirt with Lance. Had Lance not been happily dating two great guys he would have probably reciprocated, made out and from his track record probably… Ahem, but he was with Shiro and Keith now and politely waved her away.

“Hey! We, ah, didn't expect to arrive after you” greeted Shiro, smiling at Lance in his Bucky costume. He was really hot and the prosthetic arm really made the look work- though Lance decided it would be a tad distasteful to mention his boyfriend's missing arm at a party.

“Yeah, we thought for sure we'd be here for at least half an hour before you arrived” Keith smirked and Pidge snickered, Lance was regretting allowing the two to meet. Keith also looked really good, he was dressed as Zuko from Avatar (which was and always will be an incredible show, Lance would have to rewatch it with him at some point) and had managed to put on some pretty realistic scar makeup. The joys of being an art major.

Lance huffed and crossed his arms in mock annoyance until Keith wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist with a small smile and pecked him on the cheek with a kiss, causing Lance to inadvertently blush and smile. Then Shiro took one of Lance's hands and led them inside, where the party had really started. Keith took his other hand and Pidge and Hunk waved them off before going to get themselves some non alcoholic drinks. The three soulmates, however, had different ideas…

“Okay, Lance, there are three shots on the table- how old are you?” asked Shiro responsibly before Lance had even mentioned that he wasn't going to drink; especially not after last time…

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